That's what you can do from an ordinary sheet of wood. And this is still not all ...


When Omid Asadi moved to Britain from Iran, he did not think about the leaves at all. He was cared for more landed things: housing, work, language ... But once, during a walk with his wife, Omid thought about the leaves. Why do people prefer flowers? Why the fallen leaves are simply discarded or burned?

He decided that they were also beautiful and to pay attention to them. Combining efforts with his wife, Master of Persian Miniature Painting, Omid found a way to turn garbage into a work of art.

As he himself says, art for him is an attempt to look different on the usual things. Omid wants to give the left life to the leaves. "Everyone can love a rose, but to love a piece of leaf. This is usually when you love beautiful, but beautiful when you love the usual. "

Each pattern on the leaf is cut off manually, and the leaves themselves are often attached to the paper using conventional glue.

That's what you can do from an ordinary sheet of wood. And this is still not all ...

Omid uses both the leaf and white paper to create their masterpieces. Just look at this surreal composition!

That's what you can do from an ordinary sheet of wood. And this is still not all ...

This work clearly shows our attitude towards the leaves: we simply eat and throw them away. But even this can serve as an inspiration for Omid Asadi.

That's what you can do from an ordinary sheet of wood. And this is still not all ...

One of the most popular oomide works.

That's what you can do from an ordinary sheet of wood. And this is still not all ...

The level of detailing some works is simply striking. Omid uses a scalpel and needles in order to cut through almost microscopically holes among the veils of the sheet.

That's what you can do from an ordinary sheet of wood. And this is still not all ...

The work is difficult, but the results speak for themselves. Especially when you understand that this is an ordinary maple leaf, which carries the smallest details.

That's what you can do from an ordinary sheet of wood. And this is still not all ...

Undoubtedly, you need to be a perfectionist to do something similar.

That's what you can do from an ordinary sheet of wood. And this is still not all ...

But even his simple works are incredible. As, for example, this eye.

That's what you can do from an ordinary sheet of wood. And this is still not all ...

Here is one of the first works of Omid - carved Big Ben. It is noticeable that since then Asadi has progressed in terms of detail and complexity, but even such a simple composition looks great.

That's what you can do from an ordinary sheet of wood. And this is still not all ...

Since we came to talk about his fresh work, how do you like this? It seems that ohmid will soon be split atoms to achieve even greater detail!

That's what you can do from an ordinary sheet of wood. And this is still not all ...

Fortunately, long hours of work on a magnifying glass pays off: Obid Assadi works are presented at many exhibitions, and buyers do not regret money to acquire his masterpieces. The price of this talented guy comes to 3,000 dollars.

That's what you can do from an ordinary sheet of wood. And this is still not all ...

How often in pursuit of a high person rushes his gaze into the sky, not noticing treasures that literally roll under their feet? Omid Asadi is one of the few who sees a wonderful even in the most day-to-day things. Thanks to him, our world becomes more beautiful.

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