The best use of plastic bottles and packages


The best use of plastic bottles and packages

Good day Dear friends Today we will consider two interesting master class on making swans from plastic bottles and insole. It is possible to use polyethylene packages or ordinary film instead of the soleon. The greenhouse film is familiar to everyone, because it is an ordinary observer material. But from this material there may be completely unusual crafts, pleasing eyes and attracting attention. Do you want to make birds with your own hands? Try it is not so difficult. Today we will show you the work of Svetlana Antakova and Stalla Chizova. With the works of Svetlana you are already familiar, if not, you can find them on the site. And see what wonderful swans and Peacock did Svetlana. For its works, many craftswomen were already able to create such beauty for their garden.

For manufacture, you will need:

* Wire.

* Plastic bottle.

* Isolon.

* Scotch.

* Glue.

* Heating.

Swan production method:

First you need to make a wire frame and a large plastic bottle. Immediately form the beak from the wire.

These are birds made by their own hands, can settle in your garden or in the country.

Now we take the white isolon (this is a substrate for linoleum) and cut it into a strip of 5-6 cm wide and begin to wipe the body of our bird. Cellon fasten with scotch and then all the torso wake with a tape for strength.

These are birds made by their own hands, can settle in your garden or in the country.

These are birds made by their own hands, can settle in your garden or in the country. Do you want to make birds with your own hands?

The spleen should be immediately attached the wings to the frame firmly and wrap the insole and scotch.

Do you want to make birds with your own hands? These are birds made by their own hands, can settle in your garden or in the country.

To make a swan, we take a transparent six meter greenhouse film thick one hundred fifty microns and cut it on the strips of seven or eight centimeters, and then every strip cut as a fringe, not to the edge of one centimeter. Such a film folded in several layers is convenient to cut with scissors for fish.

Do you want to make birds with your own hands?

Now, starting from the tail, consolidating the film with scotch, this fringe is winding the swan. Film must be burned to the body. Svetlana This makes a screwdriver heated on gas. If the film is simply fixed with scotch, then from a strong wind all the swan is fruishing and dissolved. Wings at the spleen should be wrapped after wrapped the body and neck.

These are birds made by their own hands, can settle in your garden or in the country.

When our swan is almost ready to deal with his decor. Nose wrapped with red and black tape. Eye can be cut out of the skin and glue the thermopystole or the "moment" glue.

Swan from film and bottles

Swan from film and bottles

These are birds made by their own hands, can settle in your garden or in the country.

For winter swans, it is necessary to put in the room. Svetlana is pre-washed with shampoo and stitches under water pressure in the shower.

Peacock from bottles

These are birds made by their own hands, can settle in your garden or in the country. Do you want to make birds with your own hands?

Peacock, Floming and other birds are made on the same principle, only Pavline must attach the tail from steel wire. Make a frame.

These are birds made by their own hands, can settle in your garden or in the country.

Peacock from film and bottles

For peacock, you need to take a greenhouse film of blue and green. When the entire frame is wrapped with scotch, then on top for brightness glue the self-adhesive green and blue film. And then also wrap the film and burn it. Feathers should be chopped from plastic bottles. And the droplets for feathers cut out from the CD discs. Feathers to the tail are attached in a circle thermopystole.

Do you want to make birds with your own hands?

Everything, Peacock is ready.

Do you want to make birds with your own hands? These are birds made by their own hands, can settle in your garden or in the country.

Peacock from film and bottles

These are birds made by their own hands, can settle in your garden or in the country.

Peacock from film and bottles

These are birds made by their own hands, can settle in your garden or in the country.

These are birds made by their own hands, can settle in your garden or in the country.

Do you want to make birds with your own hands? These are birds made by their own hands, can settle in your garden or in the country.

Look at us more often on the site and you will see a lot of interesting master classes. We thank the author for the interesting master class on creating a swan from a bottle and film.


Swan from film and bottles

Swan from film and bottles

As I have already written above that, on this master class Svetlana, many interesting works have been created. But today I want to add one more job, this swan is created by Stalla Chizhova. Stella created wonderful swans for his garden and also shared his work with us.

For manufacture, you will need:

* Wire (wire from the "Light" store).

* Glue titanium.

* Red tape.

* Scotch.

* Double greenhouse film.

* Isolon.

Peacock from film and bottles

Peacock from film and bottles

Swan production method:

We make a wire frame, plastic bottle and a tape.

Swan from film and bottles

We take isolane (substrate under linoleum) and cut into stripes.

Swan from film and bottles

We start wrapping the frame and fix everything with scotch.

Swan from film and bottles

Swan from film and bottles

Swan from film and bottles

Swan from film and bottles

Cut the polyethylene film on the strip-car.

Swan from film and bottles

Film begin to wind off the tail. Watch and fasten your scotch. Greenhouse film for a large swan 5-7 ms wide, for small 3.5 cm.

Swan from film and bottles

Swan from film and bottles

Swan from film and bottles

Swan from film and bottles

Everything, the swan from the film and the bottle is ready, you can settle it in the garden.

Swan from film and bottles

Swan from film and bottles

Swan from film and bottles

We thank the author for the master class on creating a swan with their own hands.

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