How to hide cables and wires?


The problem of wiring under legs will probably be relevant until absolutely all devices become wireless. Then, all these snake tangles of the faded cables will be forgotten as a nightmare. Let's hope that it will be quite soon, but as long as we try to somehow disguise these unfortunately manifest, collecting dust and spoiling cord interior with the help of a variety of ways.

Of course, the most solid, 100% way to hide any wires is to "climb" them into the wall, hide under the floor or suspended ceiling. True, it is done before proceeding with cosmetic repairs. Well, if the repair has already been made, and the new one in the near future is not planned, then in this case only different disguise methods remain.

Special plinth

Special plinth

Very popular and at the same time, special plinths with built-in cable channels are special. Such plinths are attached on the clips, so in order to remove or place the wire under the plinth, you just need to remove it, and then fasten it back without any tools.

In addition to the outdoor options, you can mask the wires using the available plastic boxes of white or woody color. The box is attached to the wall, the wires are laid inside it and closed with a lid-plate. However, from the point of view of aesthetics, this is not the best way out. Such boxes look not very stylish and more suitable for offices. Although, if you replace plastic with natural bamboo, it may turn out very well.

All for the fence

All for the fence

Decorative and more easy in installation Outdoor: Playful design designer, which is fixed to the already existing plinth and performing the role of the screen. With the help of such a simple device (which is not difficult to make an alone), the owners of the apartment can not only hide the wires from prying eyes, but also to revive the appearance of the room.



You can hide all wires, minor devices and extension pilots under the computer table table top. And for this you do not have to drill holes in it. The shops sell a special wire basket-organizer, which is attached under the table top. Or you can get a versatile box for wires and a network extension agent, which can be placed on the floor or wall - it is called "Plug Hub" from QUIRKY (in the photo).

Organizer for wires

Organizer for wires

This device is a spring-shaped plastic box, in which the wires are placed using a special guide device. Different manufacturers such a device are called both "Computer Wire Cable Organizer", "Easy Cable Wrap" or "Cable Zipper". Every name is nothing new in itself, and the result is always the same: pretty "sausage" from wires going in one direction. Well, if you do not want to see her, or the cable stretches in different directions?

Shutter under the table

Shutter under the table

The computer itself and its peripherals give rise to whole jungle of wires and cables, so without small tricks, even the most stylish workplace may look inactively. Salvation can come in the form of a polypropylene panel from a construction store or homemade curtain in the tone of the wall or computer desk.

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If the cables do not work, or you are ready to approach the solution to the problem without standard, it is worthwhile on the contrary: to put the wires to the universal review, giving them a somewhat exotic appearance. After all, it is not for nothing that the best defense is an attack! Below is a small selection of ways to turn cables into a beautiful detail that will add sophistication and comfort to any interior.

Green branch

Green branch

Even a small piece of cable, so not by the way sticking in the most prominent place, you can be original. It is enough to attach cute green leaves to it and cut the silhouette of a birdboard or colored plastic. If, of course, you do not want to purchase the original design set on the Internet, as in the picture. It looks very vividly and positive, and if there are children in the family, they will remain delighted with such a venture at all.

Wall graphics

Wall graphics

Why not fold from the wires wall panel in modern style? Especially good such silhouettes look when the cable color contrasts with the color of the wall. If desired, the inner part of the silhouettes can even be painted. Works - a pair of trifles, but some conditions need to be taken into account. First, the wire should be long enough, so that the picture did not break down at half. And secondly, the cable must be attached to the wall so as not to damage it.

Electric rigs

Electric rigs

If you don't want to hide the wires at all, you can make them part of humorous installation - for example, to put them on the power lines that are easy to construct from ordinary aluminum wire. The result is able to "smile" anyone - your guests, friends and households.

Pure female look

Pure female look

A curious idea arose from the designer Natalie Kostuses (Nathalie Costes). She offered not to hide the wire at all. That is, they can and even need to be freely placed in the most prominent place. In accordance with the represented project, a variety of cables can be turned into sweaty beads of any color and, so to speak, "genre". Ultimately, a very beautiful decoration is obtained, which will become an integral part of the interior.

Station recharging

Station recharging

Cords from recharging, from a computer and laptop - Is it possible at all carefully and just hide? The most obvious option: take advantage of a special organizer, which is simply indispensable in the workplace. For example, you can buy all the well-known Ikeev boxing, which has a lot of analogues of other brands. But if you spend a little, but still a tangible amount you are not ready, - you can adjust the usual cardboard box from under the shoes, after giving it a decorative look.

Wires from lamps

Wires from lamps

A separate story is a wire from different light bulbs. Hide them almost unreal, but you can buy a cable in a beautiful felling, and it is automatically transformed into a stylish decor element. It has long been tested in practice: a bright wire even an ordinary light bulb will turn into a designer lamp!

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