7 situations in which the usual salt saved me!


To keep a household - very difficult work. But if you know some secrets - you can make life easier to make it easier. I will tell you 7 examples of using the usual table salt, which completely changed my approach to many, which seemed to be previously complex situations.

1. You have a flooded out sole

7 situations in which the usual salt saved me!

Turn the iron to the maximum power, take a piece of paper paper and cover the surface of the paper with a small salt layer. Then take the iron and take it, slightly pressing, on salt on paper. Usually for cleaning the soles are enough for one minute.

2. Randomly dropped an egg on the floor or table

7 situations in which the usual salt saved me!

Sprinkle the polluted surface of the salt, allow this mixture a little thickening and gently collect everything with a paper towel. Salt in this case works as a thickener and absorbs most of the liquid, which makes it easier to collect the remains of the eggs.

3. If accidentally caught fire in a frying pan

7 situations in which the usual salt saved me!

As is known - burning oil in no case can be extinguished with water. If you have no fire extinguisher at your hand, put a thick layer of salt on the fire, trying not to burn. Salt closes access to oxygen and fire will go out.

4. polluted frying frying

7 situations in which the usual salt saved me!

Push the surface of the frying pan with a salt layer and add some water. Let's stand for about 10 minutes, then the burnt food easily winds under the crane.

5. Stained a sponge for washing the dishes

7 situations in which the usual salt saved me!

Pour about two cups of water into the container, add a quarter cup of salt there and immerse the sponge. You can leave it for the night. In the morning, squeeze the sponge and it will again be like a new one.

6. Spots on the bathroom and washbasin

7 situations in which the usual salt saved me!

Mix the salt cup with a cup of turpidar, resulting in a clench applies to a sponge and wipe the bathroom and washbasin. The result is just surprising. Attention - it is necessary to work in gloves and with open windows, because the composition burns the hands and has a strong smell.

7. Slide in the bathroom

7 situations in which the usual salt saved me!

Mix a quarter cup of food soda and a quarter of a cup of salt. Pull dry mix into a drain hole. Then take the half of the vinegar and pour into the same hole. With the correct reaction, a small amount of foam will be distinguished. Wait 15 minutes, then boil the small saucepan of water and gently pour boiling water into the same drain hole. Ready!

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