Washing kitchen towels - 10 ways to remove stains and 5 bleaching methods


kitchen towels

Washing kitchen towels

Kitchen towels are essential things that should always be at hand and in sight. Therefore, they must be beautiful and clean. Let's find out with the help of what methods it is possible to wash even the oldest dirty towels to the perfect state.

10 effective and budget tools to remove stains

Dirty towels at home is the easiest way to wash in a washing machine, and resort to special ways and means is enough to 1 times a month, otherwise the cloth is rapidly wear out.

Get rid of fat and persistent stains you will be helped by completely ordinary tools, such as:

  1. Salt.

Suitable for: remove stains from coffee or tomatoes on white and colored fabric.

Recipe: Make a solution in a basin at the rate of 5 liters of water - 5 tbsp. Salt spoons, and then soaked kitchenware and leave them for 1 hour. Then we wash manually or in a typewriter.

How to wash a stain from coffee on kitchen towels

And also suitable for: removal of spots from red wine on white and colored fabric.

Recipe: We make a very "steep" saline, soaked and caress the fabric in it.

  1. Laundry soap.

Suitable for: removal of different spots, including fat on colored and light fabric.

Recipe: All dirty napkins should be abundantly rubbed and closed in a package for the night. After this you need to wash it well and crawl products.

  1. Washing powder + stainstress + vegetable oil.

Means for removing stains on kitchen towels

Washing the kitchen towels in this way almost always copes with the oldest pollution. In a large 10-liter saucepan, bring 5-7 liters of water to a boil, and then turn off the fire. After that, add 2 tbsp. l. washing powder (better "automatic", as it is less foaming), 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. l of any stain remover or bleach and mix the solution. Then put a textile in a pan, it's a little more and wait until the water cools down. Then get the towels and, without pressing the water, shove them into the washing machine. The oil will lead to the fact that all contamination on textiles will soften and make it easier to leave the fabric. It is necessary to cover the container and wait until the water cools, after which it is good to crawl products. Additionally boil and wash the towels in this case are not necessary - the oil will not remain on the fabric.

  1. Shampoo.

Suitable for: removal of spots from fruit.

Recipe: Shampoo pour on a stain, withstand it, and then we erase.

Means for removing stains on kitchen towels

  1. Summer alcohol + glycerin.

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Washing kitchen towels - 10 ways to remove stains and 5 bleaching methods

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Suitable for: removal of stains from tea and coffee.

Recipe 1: You need to soak dirty kitchen textiles in a solution from the ammonia and water in the proportion of 1: 1 for 1 hour, and then to extend.

Recipe 2: Tea spots can be firing a mixture of ammonia and glycerin in a 1: 4 ratio.

  1. Silicate glue.

Suitable for: removal of different stains, but only on white cloth.

Recipe: The solution is prepared from a piece of soap and spoons of silicate glue. In this mixture you need to boil textiles about half an hour.

  1. Dishwashing liquid.

Suitable for: removing fat spots on color and white fabric.

Recipe: The dishwashing liquid is applied to fat stains and textiles left for a day, then the towels must be traded and rinsed.

  1. Vinegar.

How to wash cooking towels with vinegar

Suitable for: getting rid of mold.

Recipe: You need to dock the product in acetic solution 5-9% (if necessary, dilute the 70% essence) for 5-10 minutes, and after - rinse thoroughly.

  1. Lemon acid.

Lemon acid

Suitable for: removal of spots from beets and tomatoes.

Recipe: First, under the jet of hot water, they are extending a towel with a shop soap, slightly squeeze it, and then fasten with citric acid stains and leave for 5 minutes. After that, just allocate.

And also suitable for: eliminating the solar spots of various origins.

Recipe: I wipe all pollution with citric acid, we leave the towel for an hour, and then we clamp.

  1. Hydrogen peroxide.

Suitable for: eliminating the solar spots of various origin.

Recipe: Machine dirty places in solution, we leave for 30 minutes, and then we erase in the usual way.

5 methods of whitening kitchen towels

So, with the removal of spots and washing sorted out. And how to whiten the kitchen towels, if they have lost their fresh look? You can return the whiteness of the whiteness and yellowed kitchen towels with boiling and without it.

Here are 5 efficient and simple ways:

  1. Whitening without boiling with mustard.

Mustard powder

This method is disinfected, and whitens. To do this, dry mustard powder is divorced in hot water to a state of thick cashel, after which the mixture is applied to wet towels and withstands 6-8 hours, and then erased.

  1. Whitening without boiling by manganese.

This is a very effective method acting almost always. About 200 g of washing powder and a little manganese (water should only be slightly pink) are needed for boiling water. Put in advance the things put into the solution, cover it with a film and wait until the water is completely cooled. And then we rinse well towels.

  1. Whitening without boiling by boric acid.

This method is suitable for dense, waffle or terry towels. Add 2 spoons of boric acid in a hot water basin, then soak in the resulting solution dirty towels for 2 hours, and then post them as usual.

  1. Bleaching with boiling, soda and economic soap 72%.

With the help of soda and boiling, you can whiten the underwear and remove the spots are absolutely safe for you and the most gentle for the fabric. For this, about 50 grams. Calcinated soda should be mixed with grated economic soap (72%), and in this mixture boil textiles 1-1.5 hours.

How to wash kitchen towels

  1. Express wash and bleaching without boiling.

Very quickly and literally, some bleachers and stained fuses are removed in front of his eyes. For example, for manual washing 1-2 towels, you can use a very effective means of "Universal bleach for all types of fabric" from AMWAY. It is usually added when washing in a washing machine, but kitchen towels with complex pollution is better to erase manually.

How to wash kitchen towels

We offer such an express method of washing kitchen towels: 1 liters of boiling water pour into ordinary basca, put all the kitchen accessories there, then fall asleep 1 tbsp. L Powder AMVIA and stir our solution with a spoon. Water will immediately begin to hiss and foam. Then you can leave the napkins soaded to the full cooling of water, and you can add cold water a few minutes and start to get erased in this solution. For washing more complex contaminants, you need to increase the soaking time or boil towels at all.

Tip: When washing kitchen towels, you can do without air conditioning, simply adding a mixture of food soda and suitable essential oil. So your kitchen textile will delight not only the pristine freshness, but also a pleasant aroma.

Tricks Storage and Use

  • To wip hands in the cooking process, towels are suitable from a motley or dark fabric, as fat and other contaminants are less noticeable. And, of course, try on the possibility of washing fat, and not wipe them about the towel. Alternative - paper napkins.
  • Washing the kitchen towels will not be your headache if there will be many in the kitchen and you will often change them. Ideally, you have to have a baking towel, to wip clean hands after washing dishes, for wiping hands in the process of cooking, for wiping vegetables and fruits, for use as a tack, etc.
  • The terry towels are not the best choice for the kitchen, since such a fabric easily absorbs contamination and quickly loses her tidy.
  • In order for the towels with non-rebeling stains that you use during the day, do not spoil the appearance of the kitchen, just throw them into a nice basket (not too high and not too low). For example, a rattan wicker basket is suitable as in the photo on the right. Well, clean towels can be stored and in sight.

Basket for towels

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