House without errors - 29 tips on gold weight!


House without errors - 29 tips on gold weight!

1. Height of kitchen furniture

According to the standard, the height of the kitchen database is 85 cm. Furniture customers often forget to make a "correction to growth." As a result, having received a set of lockers and working surfaces of a standard height, forced to either slouch, or pull out all the might up. If you, having a big height, bought finished furniture, you can put the lower lockers on the legs and decorate their bar. For cuisine in country style, the role of supports can perform conventional facing bricks with a beautiful finish. If the furniture is too high for you, you can cut her legs.

2. Does wash wings need?

A widespread error is a waiver of washing with a wing or from the second bowl: to save space. In the kitchen, where they are prepared for a large family, without a bulk multifunction shell can not do. On the wing - a peculiar continuation of the countertops - you can put hot utensils or putting the washed vegetables and fruits. The second bowl will allow you to wash at the same time large pans and fruits.

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3. Retractable boxes instead of cabinets

Do not hurry to hang the shelves in the kitchen. Organize drawers: it will save space and streamline work. The space in the box is easy to divide into the sections and place any containers in them. Access to them will be convenient. And only put forward the drawer - and everything is like on the palm. Internal partitions can be ordered separately or use conventional plastic containers.

4. Just and comfortable

Instead of handles on the doors, instead of the handles on the doors look unusually and aesthetically and fully correspond to the modern type of kitchen. But you can ... wave this seemingly simplicity, trying to open the door with wet hands or without removing the fusion. Exit is the "Click-Click" system, which allows you to turn out the doors even elbow. This system will satisfy even the most cautious owners of kitchen furniture and will minimize the space of any kitchen.

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5. An indelible mark

Steel fronts of furniture, tile and refrigerator are fashionable and elegant and especially popular among young couples. However, even clean palms are left on such a surface of traces. And it makes the harder mistress regularly wipe and flush shiny items. Solutions of the problem Two: Purchase poly rays for stainless steel, which are not only removed from such surfaces of pollution, but also prevent, or steel technique of leading manufacturers treated with a special protective coating.

6. Cozy corner

The desire to create comfort in the kitchen should not lead to deplorable results. Walls or their fragments, upholstered with fabrics, look great, but quickly accumulate unpleasant odors and dirt.

Cute for the eyes and souls of the effect of warm rooms can be achieved using the wallpaper imitating matter. Of course, the kitchen is most suitable.

7. What refrigerator is convenient?

Home appliances stores offer a huge selection of refrigerators. Economic energy consumption, beautiful front, comfortable freezer and suitable price - important purchase terms. But imagine: the layout will need to move the refrigerator - it will take to change the loops so that the door opens up the other side, and it turns out that it is impossible. So think about it still in the store. The equipment of the refrigerator must correspond to the composition of the family and the image of her life. External design is important, but also important internal device.

8. Do not interfer each other

The absence of partitions between the living room, the hallway and the kitchen makes the room light and spacious, but less comfortable. If there is a TV in the guest area, the cutlets are frying in the kitchen, and children play nearby, then the noise interferes with absolutely everyone. Yes, and the sounds from the staircase will be heard throughout the apartment, and not only in the hallway.

Install the entrance doors with high sound insulation, as well as rebound the room. The last reception is possible, even if I do not want to lose the desired space. Use movable or translucent shots or partitions. Install the seaspless of the incomplete height or open on both sides of the shelf. Also help sliding or folding doors in full width of the room.

9. Electricity in the house

How many outlets are needed in the room? Do you think enough two or three? Well, this is usual delusion. Experience shows that even in a small room, a socket is needed on each wall. Just be sure to agree with a professional electrician their number, type (with grounding or without) and the location, explaining how much the devices will be at the same time included. According to the Eurostandard, the height of the floor sockets must be 30 cm.

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10. Practical outfit for windows

The windows in the bedroom or living room are good in the frame of the long curtains, picturesquely faltering on the floor. But are you ready to regularly vacuum not only floors, carpets, but also curtains? Beautiful "Clay" will add the hostess of work, especially if there are four-legged friends in the house. If you do not want to abandon such beauty, then choose a fabric with dirt-repellent and antistatic impregnation. It does not save you from harvest forever, but will allow it less frequently.

11. Non-wing work

Many families know the problem of dust cleaning on open bookshelves. It is especially acute in houses where people who are prone to allergies live. The only acceptable solution is to order or buy furniture with glazed fronts. Avoid in closed shelves of sharpness and excessive humidity will help small ventilation openings in the side walls. This technique will provide books a favorable microclimate and save you from problems with dust. As a rule, self-respecting manufacturers produce furniture with already finished holes.

12. "Sun" for aquarium

A large aquarium, full of corals and exotic fish, decorates an apartment. It is especially impressive when it is open from two sides. However, to establish it in the light of direct sunlight is erroneously, especially if they come from windows overlooking the south, because in this case the aquarium will begin to overcome algae and lose its appeal. Put a place for the personal "water world" where only multiple sunlight falls, and, if necessary, use artificial lighting with adjustable intensity. By the way, it will perform the role of additional decorative lighting of the room.

13. High move

In duplex apartments and private houses, the hosts are often faced with the problem of installing stairs. Choosing, not enough to pay attention to the design and cost, much more important is the design. Even small deviations in the calculations of the height and width of the steps or their frequency may be critical for children and the elderly. Therefore, the staircase is not the detail of the situation where you can save. And it is necessary to order it in firms with a good reputation. Do not regret the time and effort to choose a comfortable and safe design. Experts will also help you the right decision.

14. Shield for laminate

Laminate is a modern, easy to assemble and beautiful coating. It is not surprising that it rapidly gained popularity in the domestic market. But that the laminated floor is in joy, choosing, pay attention to the class of its wear resistance. In the hallway, in the kitchen or in the bedroom, the load on the floor is completely different, and in each room you will need various materials. But even if you chose the most durable, then be sure to fit under the feet of furniture.

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15. White white

The bright or white walls in the room cause a feeling of coolness and visually increase the space. On the other hand, they can recall the hospital and "perch up" the interior in the winter time, when it is not at all necessary. If you need to visually expand the room, but at the same time create a feeling of heat and comfort, then leave three walls with light, and one paint into a rich color. The room will play with new paints, it will become cozy and does not lose the feeling of space. This technique will also allow you to expand the color gamut of furniture or create a harmonious environment for already available chairs and sofas.

16. Black Black

Many readers are recognized in their addiction to contrasting color solutions and bold combinations. One of them is bright walls and black furniture. The elegance and severity of the black and white combination was and remains out of competition. But maintaining cleanliness in such an apartment is unimaginable, because the dust clearly visible on a dark background. To avoid problems with cleaning, use only special napkins with an antistatic effect or (in extreme cases) wipe the furniture with a napkin moistened with any antistatic. It also makes sense to buy a vacuum cleaner with double air filtration.

17. Beautiful patterns instead of one-room

Do you dream about tiles, carpet or palace of one color? Think well before purchasing, especially if you like light shades. Pink or snow-white coverage looks amazing, but only if it is perfectly clean! But to maintain the coating in this state is very difficult. Pay attention to materials with a small geometric or floral pattern: they are beautiful and reduce cleaning time.

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18. Branch or lamp?

During the repair and installation of electrical wires, experts usually ask the owners where the sconces will be placed. This allows you to securely and imperceptibly in the wire wall. If you failed to decide on time, then better use the lamps: the sconces with hanging along the walls look unattractive. According to the Eurostandard, the sconium must be installed in 150-200 cm from the floor.

19. Low bath

Mounted deep in the floor bath does not require additional elements and does not optistically reduce the room, but it is not very convenient to go into it. Yes, and wash the long surface is not easy. The optimal solution is to play one side and make imitation of steps and podium. So that the steps were not slippery, they can be separated by wooden panels to the tone podium.

20. Salvation from Morning Zeietnote

If you have a rather big family and the area of ​​the bathroom allows you to put two washbasins in the room, then do it. The distance between them should be at least 30 cm. Then you will avoid morning queues to a single washbasin.

And if the bathroom is small, then maybe it is worth abandoning the bulky bath in favor of the shower cabin? Morning procedures in the increased space will become more enjoyable.

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21. Right bottom

Instead of the traditional shower cabin, you can put the floor with a tile, "tilting" him in the direction of the plum at an angle of at least 5 °, isolate the selected area with stylish transparent doors and install the shower kit. The best for decoration is a mosaic tile: it is easier to make a slope. The most practical option is a special tile for pools. The usual ceramic tile is fragile and has a porous structure in which micro organisms appear, and the pool tiles are porcelain and glazed ceramic - has a high density sufficient elasticity and practically does not absorb water.

22. Bathroom doors

They may look just like the other doors in the apartment. But at the bottom, they must have ventilation holes. Otherwise, the bathroom will accumulate moisture, and there is a condensate on the walls, and the door will need to be opened. You can make such ventilation holes yourself. And you can buy ready-made plastic lattices and ask to make everything specialist. Still, the perfect option is to buy a door with an already finished hole.

23. Place for washing machine

If you are planning, repairing the bathroom, then consider where to transfer the washing machine at this time. Deciding, instruct the specialist to connect it to the water supply and sewage. It will save you from non-psychic tubes that will stretch along the walls. And do not forget about the ground!

24. Not slipping!

A smooth shiny tile in the bathroom often causes drops and injuries. It is advisable to replace it with corrugated tiles designed specifically for the bathroom. If there is no such possibility, then put a wooden, rubber or textile rug on the floor. The coloring and shape of this accessory can be changed quite often. In addition, your legs will not touch the cold floor.

25. Draw everything!

If the walls in a small bathroom are lined with a single tile and it does not make the room attractive, and the repair for you is a long-term and troublesome business for you, then apply for some tiles special paint for glaze! It is best to emphasize the contrasting or more rich color horizontal elements: it will visually expand the room. Either make a light mess in a monochon surface, having stolen a few pieces of tiles in bright colors.

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26. All over the shelves

Before equipping the bathroom, think about the shelves. It is best to make stationary protrusion shelves and cover them with the tile of the same collection to which the tile is planned for the design of the entire premises. If the shelves did not provide, then their role will take on light metal shelves of various shapes with glass elements. Especially spectacular they will look in combination with mirrors and additional backlight.

27. Door eyes

Solid and beautiful entrance doors are the necessary element of any apartment. They provide heat, sound insulation and, of course, safety. Choosing the doors, be sure to pay attention to the door eye. It must be comfortable in height and provide you with a wide review. If you purchased the door without an eye, then install it: it will help you feel comfortable.

28. Gentle floor

Very often, the remains of building materials. Economical owners are used for minor work. For example, lay the floor balcony tiled. And this is the wrong decision. The floor tile is intended only for internal work. On the balcony, you should use a tile for outdoor work, resistant to temperature difference.

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29. Will there be a carpet in the hallway?

The hallway with the carpet, carpet or parquet looks very presentable. But such coatings are difficult to maintain clean, especially when their contamination is directly dependent on the weather on the street. If you do not want to spend money on cleaning products, then lay out the floor with a tile and complete the setting with a small neat rug.

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