14 Home Support Summary Recipes for Problem


14 Home Support Summary Recipes for Problem

Home shampoo №1:

For this you will need half a banana, lemon and yolk. Banana need to be cleaned from the skin and remove the top layer of the pulp, the rest is perfectly confused. To the resulting mixture add half of the lemons and one yolk. Beat a little, as a result you will get a home shampoo that fits well and great for everyday use.

Home shampoo №2:

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon mustard, 2 liters of warm water. Mustard wept with water and my hair obtained. Such homemade shampoo is especially good for oily hair.

Home shampoo number 3:

Rubbing yolk into a little wet hair, you are not only my hair, but also make a small head massage that improves blood circulation and activate the metabolism. If you have dry hair, you can add 1 teaspoon of olive oil to egg yolk.

Home shampoo №4:

Bottling with two glasses of boiling water 1 tablespoon of the Pijmas, give it in about two hours. Warm infusion strain and wash your hair well. This is an excellent natural remedy for dandruff. It can be used every two days.

Home shampoo number 5:

Create shampoo at home can be prepared even using conventional nettle. In a liter of water add 100 gram of nettles (dry or fresh) and half a liter of vinegar. Boil the resulting mixture for 30 minutes. The decoction to strain and dilute it in water. Homemade shampoo ready!

Homemade shampoo number 6:

Kefir, prostropro, or sour milk are also used for hair wash. With their help, a fatty film is created, which, covering hair, protects them from the harmful effects of the environment. After washing, the hair can be solid with water with the addition of vinegar or lemon juice.

Home shampoo number 7:

Hair can be washed and "dry way." To do this, the polluted hair should be applied potato starch, whipping it, similar movements, as in the process of washing. After 10 minutes, the hair dryly wipe the towel. Using a thick brush, remnants of starch are removed.

Home shampoo number 8:

Softening rye bread in hot water. The resulting liquid porridge wipe through the sieve and apply on the hair, to hold for about ten minutes, rinse thoroughly. Your hair will not only be more dense, but also shiny.

Home shampoo number 9:

Pour 50 grams of hot light beer. Blend of herbs (in equal parts of the hop cone, birch leaves, calendula flowers, burdock root). Give a little laid. The resulting mixture is strain and apply on the hair.

Home shampoo number 10:

In the shampoo cooked with his own hands, you can add a few drops of essential oil. Your hair will absorb the fragrance and will still be bullshit, seduced by men around you.

Home shampoo №11:

Beat one egg with a decoction of nettle. This mixture is recommended to wash dry hair, such a shampoo has perfectly well and moisturizes hair.

Homemade shampoo №12:

For weakened and damaged hair, a mixture of 1 tablespoon of carrot juice and two yolks are used. Massage movements apply it on your hair, slightly massage, thoroughly rinse with warm water.

Home shampoo №13:

Use white clay against hair loss. It needs to be warm water. The resulting sour cream-like mixture is applied to wet hair, make a small massage, rinse the hair well with water.

Home shampoo №14:

You can give the volume with your hair using the next recipe. 1 tablespoon of gelatin should be poured with water, leave for about 30-40 until it wakes up. Heat a little in a water bath, after the gelatin is dissolved, add egg yolk to it. Apply for 10 minutes on the hair, after which it was washed with warm water.

Homemade hair shampoos should not be stored long, they need to be used immediately after cooking.

Beautiful hair is a luxury that every woman can afford.

14 Home Support Summary Recipes for Problem

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