What can be made of old toys


What can be made of old toys

When a kid appears in the house, complete with it is necessarily material toys and several kilograms of toys. With that immediately. The years go, and the weight of toys increases directly proportional to the weight of the child.

And any attempt to clear the breech from dusting soldiers / dolls / bears with the missing parts of the toy bodies necessarily ends with hysteria. There is no compromise here. Offer your favorite tea to give old toys a new life and turn them together into these funny interior details.

Children's toys are scattered throughout the apartment? Find them useful use. Here are some ideas. For nursery and not only.

1. Plant indoor plants

What can be made of old toys

15 cool ideas what to do with old toys

What can be made of old toys
What can be made of old toys
What can be made of old toys

2. Make a stylish organizer for jewelry ...

What can be made of old toys
What can be made of old toys

3. ... or for needles

What can be made of old toys

What can be made of old toys

4. Trust them with books and textbooks

What can be made of old toys

What can be made of old toys

5. Make the original key chain

What can be made of old toys

6. Cool Stand for your favorite smartphone

What can be made of old toys

7. With such a fork, boiled corn will be a favorite dish

What can be made of old toys

8. And these psychedelic cutlery will be surprised more adults

What can be made of old toys

9. From LEGO will be excellent wall clock

What can be made of old toys

What can be made of old toys

What can be made of old toys

10. And also organizers for cords

What can be made of old toys

11. Make charming fridge magnets

What can be made of old toys

12. Milestick wall panel

What can be made of old toys

13. Turn the usual mirror in the designer

What can be made of old toys
What can be made of old toys

14. Make this courageous lamp ...

What can be made of old toys

15. ... Or an epic desk lamp of old plastic toys

What can be made of old toys

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