Homemade cleaning, fresheners, detergents, erasing, stains - Establish ...


I was going for a long time, all the components bought, but ... now everything prepared, I will do. How much will have time, so much will be.

Posted: This has time

Homemade cleaning, fresheners, detergents, erasing, stains - Establish ...

For cleaning plates

3 tablespoons of soda calcined

0.5 table. spoons of any washing powder,

1 table. A spoonful of stationery glue ("glass", not PVA).

All pour 1 cup of cold water and shake.

For dish washing

- Economic Soap - 25 gr

- Hot water - 0.5 l

- Glycerin - 4 tbsp. Spoons

- Vodka or divorced alcohol - 1 tbsp. the spoon.

We rub the soap on the grater, add water to soap soap and warm in the water bath. Periodically stirring, adding water (all 0.5 l). Enjoy and add vodka and glycerin.

Universal detergent

- Children's soap - 1 piece, soda - 250 gr., Water - 2 glasses. Grate the soap on the grater, add 1 cup of water first, beat, add another glass and gradually add soda to this foam. Shave again a little! Pasta is ready. Used for washing dishes and plumbing. If you hold a little longer - launders limescale.

Liquid soap (make half a portion)

- 1 cup of soap flakes

- 10 glasses of water (it seems to me - a lot. At the beginning to do with the 5th, then dilute, if thick)

- 1 Table Spoon Glycerin

In a large saucepan, we mix a glass of soap flakes with 10 glasses of water. Let's put a saucepan on the middle fire and, stirring, soluble soap in water. In the cooled mixture, add a spoonful of glycerol, you can add half spans of honey and uh

Cleaning agent for the bath.

In 100 grams of food soda add liquid soap (which we have already done) to get Cashier. Add 1 tsp. Glycerin and up to 5 drops of essential oil at will.

Universal cleaner:

1/2 teaspoon of washing soda;

a little liquid soap;

2 cups of hot water.

Pour it into the sprayer and shake so that the soda is dissolved.

Gel air freshener

-1 Package gelatin (10gr)

- Water 50 gr

-Glisserin 10 gr

-food coloring

- Efired oils, cinnamon

- Packacle or jar

We satisfy the gelatin in the water, add a spoonful of glycerol (it will delay drying), cinnamon and essential oils to your taste. I want something vaniline, because I put in the kitchen - let it smell like pastries.

Liquid freshener

There is such a recipe: drip into the bottle of essential oils (by 10 ml. Alcohol - about 40 drops of ether), and fill with alcohol. We twist the cap, shake thoroughly. Then you can add water - but there is no alcohol, and the emm is poorly dissolved in vodka. We will go different ways.

We take any citrus (I have lemon) cut off the peel. It is best to remove the white part and cut a straw zest. Place all the peel into the sprayer and pour vodka. Let them imagine a couple of days and then can add water and even uh. Lavender and mint are well combined with citrus. And in January we will make a coniferous freshener.

Gel for washing

1 l of water

50 grams of soap chips (this is based on the dry chips)

45 grams of calcined soda

Essential oils

In boiling water dissolve a soap chips thoroughly stirring. Add a calcined soda and also thoroughly mix to complete dissolution. When adding soda, the liquid begins to cheer up and becomes with a pearl tide. When the mixture is cooled, you can add essential oils. For a whitening effect, you can add a few drops of blue ink, they will optically increase whiteness.

Still gel

Homemade cleaning, fresheners, detergents, erasing, stains - Establish ...
Calcined Soda (Washing Soda) - 40GR

Antipetin soap (any noise) -50gr

Water - 1 liter.

In 0.5 liters of water, dissolve soap, in the second half - soda (when heated). We pour soap rr in soda. When a little cool, you can add uh. With full cooling should happen ... Khotel?

For glasses and mirrors

Liquid soap 1/2 C.L.;

Vinegar 3 tbsp.;

2 cups of water.

All mix in the spray gun. I will add a spoonful of glycerol - so that in winter they do not freeze (testing the Council). Glasses (and laptop) I wipe with a cloth for wiping cars - no drops, divorces.


We take 1 cup of hot water, dissolve the floor-glass of food soda, then add a half-glass of hydrogen peroxide. All this pour into the sprayer.

There are many sources, all reprint in your own words the same recipe. So the funds are folk.

A source

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