Useful tricks: how to bring shoes in perfect condition


Useful tricks: how to bring shoes in perfect condition

The temperature grows, bringing the drift to macfluurry consistency with chocolate crumb. If you closely follow the shoes, carefully spending it with cream in front of each exit from home, do not read this text. New material - for those who accidentally sent their boots in intensive care and now does not know what to do.


Suede leather

From the monstering Ural snow shoes from this material will suffer the most. Suede has a property to absorb all moisture, leaving unpleasant stains, divorce, swelling and hardening after drying. The first thing to be done with killed shoes from suede is to clean the dry brushes as much as possible. Use force, but do not press too much to not "kill" the material.


The stains that remained after cleaning can be removed by two proven ways (they experienced the first, it works trouble-free):

  1. Mix 0.5 tablespoons of milk, preferably skimmed, with a 0.5 teaspoon of calcined soda, mix thoroughly. We wipe the desired suede plot using, for example, a cotton disk. If the stain or dirt has entered a lot, then the procedure is carried out several times.
  2. Make a solution of 1 teaspoon of 10% of the ammonic alcohol and 4 teaspoons slightly warm water. Clean the desired place, then wipe with clean water and give dry.

For those who are afraid of the mutual excuses of a chemical solution and shoes, there is a simpler measure: the purification of the ferry. Ask familiar steam cleaner, or just boil the saucepan of water and keep the suede product over the ferry. After immediately start cleaning with a rubber brush: the stains will disappear.

If suede boots seem to be labored, or the fever is invited to the surface of the shoe, the pile can be lifted using a clean dry toothbrush. Typically, this procedure is enough, but sometimes the pile is too tightly invited - use steam again, it will weaken the clutch of the knocked suede, allowing you to raise the villi back.

The final stroke can be painting the shoes with special paint. The correct tone will bring the thing to almost the initial state. Do not forget to remove the shoelaces and take the side of the sole before painting.


Leather shoes capricious and requires special attention. With severe blowning, it takes to lubricate the skin with a vaseline after drying: then the shoes do not harden. To remove the dirt, it is enough to wipe your favorite boots with a soft sponge or cloth. And highly polluted shoes can be tortured with water, soap and ammonia, taken in equal proportions.

Fat stains with soft genuine leather are cleaned like this: apply turpidar, gasoline or ammonia solution, and then wipe the dry cloth or wipe the stain with a solution of food soda (1 teaspoon of soda on ½ cup of water).


Stained spots are derived from lemon juice, vinegar or onion juice. The skin can grow old and pushing. If this happened to your shoe, then hold it in warm water, then wipe with a rag, lubricate the glycerin and bring the crumpled paper.

The unpleasant smell will disappear, if we wipe the shoes with hydrogen peroxide or a solution of mangartee, and the castor oil and shoe cream will help.


Cursed TimberLands and all of their counterparts are produced from cattle leisure treated with abrasive materials. Nubook is a close relative suede, thanks to which the rule with steam cleaning is perfectly suitable for this type of material. Remember that the nubuck products will simply damage, and never brush them with a rigid brush.


For seriously damaged boots there is a clear instruction for salvation. Disturb them (otherwise we will simply smear the dirt) and try the following:

  1. Clean the stains using a rubber brush, gently three, wait and repeat if necessary.
  2. If the stain is oily (sunflower oil, sauce from the ferumes etc.), then you will help you the stainover "minute" (costs about 50 rubles). Apply on the spot, wait for the composition to dry out and shake the brush, if necessary, repeat the spots to completely disappear.
  3. Other resistant stains (blood, paint) wash with warm soapy water and cloth. Carefully wipe until the stains disappear, then wipe the other damp cloth to remove soap traces.
  4. If the stains are not displayed in any way and even painting color in color does not help you can repaint your shoes in a darker color - it will hide defects and give your shoes a new life.

Nubuk's shoe washing in a washing machine, dipping and soaking shoes in a bowl with powder, as well as washing under the crane of hot water kill them immediately.


Felt itself is a hardy material, so the dirt on it accumulates reluctantly. It will be enough brushes for it for cleaning it, but if the shoes are pretty Potskanna, it takes a wash. Slippers or boots need to be soaked for 10 minutes in cold water, after which it does not twist and not squeezing to rub and rinse.


If the shoes are deformed - the drying on the block will help. Or it is worth putting wet friends to your feet, which will return to them the original shape. After carefully remove the shoes and wait for felt dry.

Shoes from felt is sensitive, so after swimming prefers to wrapped in a towel, which will absorb extra moisture.

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