Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home


Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

For many of us, cleaning is the most painful duty and terrible punishment. Often only at the moment when the house does not remain clean and the apartment begins to remind the field of battle of dinosaurs, we are doomed to attach order. In fact, cleaning is easy and quickly, if you know the basic secrets.

We set out to facilitate your life and gathered several new tricks that will help to cope with your homework.

Clean the most dirtiest items in the bathroom

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

The old curtain for the bathroom will look like from the store, if all dirty areas and even places with yellow and mold are rinsed with a solution consisting in equal parts from hydrogen and water peroxide.

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

To clean the toothbrushes from microbes, soaked them for an hour in vinegar. Then my well under running water.

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

The washcloths are soaked for an hour in hot water and vinegar in proportion 1: 1. Then we rinse well with clean water and dry.

My bathing bath

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

From a limescale, yellow spots and a gray surface helps a hydrogen peroxide well. We spray it with the help of a pulverizer to the surface of the bath, we leave half an hour and then wash it well with warm water.

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

You can easily clean the surface of the bath, if you fall asleep it with soda and after a few minutes, pour a vinegar. After this, it is necessary to clean the surface with a brush slightly and washed with warm water.

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

Unwanted yellowness effectively removes a solution of ordinary citric acid. Make the solution at the rate: one bag on a glass of water. This tool with a sponge is applied to the surface of the bath and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash off warm water.

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

Clear to the brilliance of the bath and get rid of the solar plaque with the help of a mixture of vinegar and salt. We mix the ingredients in the proportion of 1: 1 and we spend the bathroom to white.

We cope with a dirty toilet

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

The toilet flashes from purity, if used for cleaning mustard powder with adding in equal parts of citric acid and corn starch.

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

To purify and refreshing the toilet, you can independently prepare cleaning bombs. Only 1-2 bombing, abandoned in the toilet, will give not only the hygienic effect, but also a pleasant smell.

You will need:

  • 1 glass of soda
  • 1/4 lemon gnaps
  • 1/2 h. L. vinegar
  • 1 tbsp. l. 6% of hydrogen peroxide solution
  • 15-20 drops of beloved essential oil


I smell soda into a bowl, add citric acid. In the second world, mix the vinegar and peroxide and pour this liquid drop in the dry mixture. We add essential oil and a spoon form small balls. We spread bombings on parchment paper and dried at least 6 hours. Store bombing in a closed glass jar.

Clean the seams between tiles in the bathroom

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

With the help of a conventional white paraffin candle, you can get rid of mold, dark plaque and dirty sediments on the seams between tiles. To do this, you need a stupid end of the candle several times spent on a dirty seam. This will allow cleaning and protect the seams from mold and mud.

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

Falling into the bowl of food soda, we take it moistened in water an unnecessary toothbrush and clean the dirty places. After cleaning, we rinse the surface with warm water. Stitches as new!

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

We mix warm water with hydrogen peroxide in proportions 2: 1. Brushing or sponge clean the seams between the tiles of this solution, which then can not be flush.

Wash the tile

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

We take 15 grams of citric acid and dragging it with a glass of warm water. We wash the resulting mortar. Then wash off clean water.

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

With too dirty tiled walls, vinegar will help. Sprinkle the surface of the pulverizer with vinegar, we leave for 10 minutes and rinse with clean water. Then we wipe the tile with a soft napkin from the microfiber. This method will not only wash the tile, but also disinfects it.

We put a washing machine

Clean the washing machine 1 time per quarter.

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

Clear car from scale and water stone will help usual citric acid. In the powder compartment, we fall asleep 60 grams of citric acid. Run the machine to the full washing cycle with the highest temperature.

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

We prepare a simple and effective tool that will make a washing machine in order.

You will need:

  • 2 glasses of vinegar
  • ¼ cup of food soda
  • ¼ glasses of water
  • sponge


In the bowl mix water and soda. Pour this solution into a powder separation. Vinegar pour in the drum washing machine. Run the typewriter in normal washing mode. After the cycle is completed, all rubber gaskets and the door wipe the sponge. Dry drum with an open door.

Ideal my stove

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

We remove fat from the surface of the plate and with small details of the usual eraser. In this way, employees of professional cleaning services are used.

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

Sedielded plate can be put in order using lemon juice and lemon slices. Squeeze the juice, wipe the plate lemon and leave for 15 minutes. Then wipe the wet rag.

Clean the oven

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

Clean the overall cabinet from fat and nagara can with a glass of ammonia alcohol and liter of water. The oven heat up to 150 degrees and turn off. We put the container with hot water to the lower grille, on the top - the container with the ammonia. We close the oven door and leave to cool until the morning.

In the morning, we add some teaspoons of any detergent and a glio of warm water in the container. Sponge with the resulting solution wipe the oven and rinse it with water.

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

To the oven become like new, you can use the usual vinegar. A slight amount of vinegar is applied to the surface. Close the door and leave for several hours. Then minor pollution simply wipe the rag, and more serious - three brushes. Be sure to wash the surface well with water.

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

Clean the oven with fat and nagara using a dough breakdler. We wipe the oven hot water and sprinkle the bundle, splashing the surface with water from the spray. After half an hour, we remove the lumps with a damp cloth and rinse with water. Especially well this method removes fat from a glass door.

Ideally refreshing mattress

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

Claim the mattress with a clean nozzle for delicate surfaces is preferably at least once in the season. Ideally, we do it every time before changing bed linen.

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

Remove the unstagious smell, which appears after a while, it is possible, scattering the food soda to the mattress, leaving half an hour and then prophes the surface well.

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

Remove the fresh spots of human livelihoods can be easily using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing fluid in proportion 2: 1.

Ensure carpet spots

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

Remove the stains of coffee, cocoa or tea is the easiest way with 1 tablespoon of glycerin, diluted in 1 liter of cold water.

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

It is easy to remove traces from the carpet from beer, wine, liqueur, if there is a solution of warm water with a small amount of washing powder on the stains. Then wash it off with warm water with vinegar in proportion: 1 teaspoon vinegar by 0.5 liters of water.

Remove stains with tissues

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

We remove stains from oil paints with tissues with a mixture of gasoline, acetone and turpentine in equal parts.

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

Remove fresh ink with a tissue surface with the help of conventional milk.

Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning at home

You can remove traces from grass with a saline solution - 1 teaspoon on a glass of water.

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