20 practical ways to use starch, about which you have not even suspected

20 practical ways to use starch, about which you have not even suspected

Many starch has a variety of useful properties. From time to time, he, of course, takes part in culinary experiments, but the rest of the time stands in the jar among other non-resistant products. But this magic white powder can be used in a wide variety of purposes, some of which you have not even suspected. Believe me, this article will make you look at starch in a new way.

20 practical ways to use starch, about which you have not even suspected

Starch is a natural abrasive, which will noticeably alleviate the washing of windows. In addition, it is very small, so if adding it to the cleaning agent for windows, you will get the windows without divorce.

20 practical ways to use starch, about which you have not even suspected

Just add a little starch into the water, and your table silver will shine and delight the eyes like a new one.

20 practical ways to use starch, about which you have not even suspected

To get rid of oily spots on the carpet, sprinkle them with starch. When the dirt is absorbed, just spending the carpet. If the stain is particularly complex - use the starch and gasoline cleaner (1: 1).

20 practical ways to use starch, about which you have not even suspected

If you burned or bite you some harmful insect, mix the starch with water and sweete this mixture. When everything dries, you will feel much better. Starch is not only rich in calcium, but also helps to cope with skin irritation. Sprinkle with starch problem areas before you wear clothes.

20 practical ways to use starch, about which you have not even suspected

If old sneakers are smash, pour starch in them and leave for the night. The smell is absorbed. Before you go, do not forget to pour starch!

20 practical ways to use starch, about which you have not even suspected

The starch spray is an aerosol that facilitates the ironing process, flavors and softens the underwear. In order not to buy this tool in the store, you can take distilled water, pour it into the pulverizer and add starch there at the rate of 1 tbsp. Spoon starch for 1 cup of water. You can also add fragrant herbs or aromaasel there. When the starch is dissolved in water, the spray is ready for use.

20 practical ways to use starch, about which you have not even suspected

If your cards become sticky, put them in a sealed package with starch, shake, run the starch, and - Voila! - You are ready to go Wa-Bank.

20 practical ways to use starch, about which you have not even suspected

This lifehak looks like a focus with the carpet: just sprinkle a dirty stain on a leather jacket or leather sofa. Leave for the night, and then erase the starch with a damp cloth or a paper towel.

20 practical ways to use starch, about which you have not even suspected

Mix starch with a few drops of your favorite essential oil, shake well and get a quick result - the fragrant powder for the body without any harmful ingredients.

20 practical ways to use starch, about which you have not even suspected

Put your favorite peel, a bear or who is there in your paper bag with starch. Shake and leave overnight. In the morning, just walk through the toy with a vacuum cleaner, and it will become like new!

20 practical ways to use starch, about which you have not even suspected

Put a little starch in the eggs before you beat them, and you will notice a significant difference. The scrambled eggs will look like small egg clouds.

20 practical ways to use starch, about which you have not even suspected

Mix an equal amount of starch and water and use this mixture to clean the dirty wooden furniture.

20 practical ways to use starch, about which you have not even suspected

Old books - works of art, but over the years there are many smells in them. A little starch helps to fix it.

14. Make a unique dry shampoo.

Sprinkle the roots of the hair and simply disperse, if there is no time to go to the shower!

20 practical ways to use starch, about which you have not even suspected

Sprinkle the floor with starch, sweep it, and the starch will fill all the cracks. This will help reduce the volume of the scrubbing floors with a deafening to the tolerant.

20 practical ways to use starch, about which you have not even suspected

Swim your baby in a bath with starch, and skin irritation from the diaper as a hand will remove.

20 practical ways to use starch, about which you have not even suspected

With the help of starch, you can thicken the sauce. In addition, it does not contain gluten!


Starch can be used in the grooming of domestic pets on the principle of dry shampoo: it must be applied to the wool, then combing it with a brush. Dirt will go away with starch.

20 practical ways to use starch, about which you have not even suspected

If you prefer natural hygiene products, fool the armpits with medical alcohol to block odor, and then sprinkle with starch so that the skin remains dry. And no chemicals!

If the marshmallows merge in the package, you need to add a little starch and shake. As a result, the marshmallow is disconnected.

If the marshmallow in the package merging, you need to add a little starch and shake. As a result, sweet delicacy is disconnected without prejudice to taste and forms.

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