How to save the phone if he fell into the water


How to save the phone if he fell into the water

Do not despair, your iPhone can be rehabilitized.

In the life of everyone there were moments when your phone fell, broke, scratched and wedged. These are all very unpleasant situations, but in the latter case everything is not as scary, as it seems at first glance.

Wet phone can be saved from breakage, if you know what to do first

Turn off the phone immediately

The less time the wet phone will remain on, the better. When you got it out of the water, do not check whether it works, running the application and trying to make a call.

So you risk causing a short circuit and get a useless brick, instead of your favorite smartphone.

So immediately turn it off and wipe it.

Put the phone in a bowl with a feline filler

It sounds strange, but the feline filler will really help your phone come into yourself after bathing.

Many people think that it is best to put the phone in the rice so that it absorbs all the water, but the experiments of enthusiasts from Gazelle showed that immersion in the rice is the most inefficient way to restore the wet phone.

Do not translate in vain products, and use the other advice - turn the phone with holes down, shake well and wipe it dry with a towel.

Leave it in such a position in a bowl with filler for cat trays or couscous - these are the best sorbents that will be covered from your phone all juices.

Do not turn on the phone day

Have patience if you want your phone to work normally after your water fiasco.

We have to wait at least 24 hours before checking it on performance. And ideally and at all 48 or even 72 hours.

Perceive this time as unplanned holiday from the world of technology. Because if you do not hold on and start using the phone when it is not yet completely dry, is the likelihood that it will illuminate forever, and you will have to buy a new device.

How to save the phone if he fell into the water

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