Root table do it yourself



Yuri Gusarchuk products from Drohobych have long been known far beyond Ukraine. The master at a high professional level turns the roots of trees into original tables, unusual chairs and luxurious sculptures.

Since childhood, Yuri was fond of wood carvings. Later in an Ivano-Frankivsk professional technical school received a profession of a wood-car master. Already during his studies, his work was exhibited at exhibitions in Kiev and Moscow. Threaded from the roots of trees, Yuri engaged in the last 15 years.

- First, I cut out these old men who "keep" tables or chairs - the master is divisible. - I smeared about hundreds of similar grandfathers.

I do not participate in the personal exhibitions, nor in festivals: For me, the best reward is not diplomas, but the joyful eyes of a person who liked my work.

Birth of sculptures

The process of creating a masterpiece long. It happens, in search of the right tree at a carver goes day or two in the forest. Most of all suitable black alder, linden, American maple, willbore or lords.

Digging pennies

"I dig a penalty, I take off the bark," the master shares, "my thoroughly and clean the trunk and growing from Cambia." Then turn up the roots and, cutting up too much, choose wood so that a bowl formed, but the thick roots remained, on which the table will stand (photo 1). Leave a penalty for a year to dry.

Then I look into the workpiece and imagine the image of an old man, it is very important to find exactly the place where the person will be (photo 2, 3), and later the remaining parts of the head will appear. Named, where there will be a nose, eyes, cheeks, I pretend, what the "Dage" will be hairstyle, and I begin to work with the cutters for the tree, then the grinding product. The processes of the transformation of the hemp is quite complex and requires not only time, but also well-developed imagination, perfection. We often start work in the morning, and finishing her deeply for midnight.

Then peering into the workpiece


Only trees with growths are suitable: It is their golden hands of the master will turn into a mustache, beard and eyebrows.

After the sculpture was born from hemp, I treat it at the bottom of Bezits * (the veil flares out over time) from the sprayer to strengthen the shadow. After drying, covering the table with a matte varnish to protect the tree from moisture, dust and dirt. Next, I make the "Hats" - the creatures: Blooming the boards, cut out a circle or oval from them, grinding, varnishing and attaching to hemp.

Table-king do it yourself

Table ready (photo 4)!

Table-king do it yourself

Tips from Prof.

■ Collecting hemp only early in spring, maximum - until mid-summer: at this time, Cambier with the bark is easy to remove from the barrel. And if you dig a penny later, it is very difficult to clean from the bark - the trunk will be awesome, and you need smooth.

■ In order for the top of the barrel not crackdown during processing, leave a fragment of the cortex of a width of approximately 15 cm on it.

* Bez is a powder water-soluble dye to toning wooden surfaces. Differs high light-resistance and color saturation.






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