Elegant Easter baskets do it yourself


Elegant Easter baskets do it yourself

We need:


-1 glass of water and 2 sugar glasses,

-belle bowls (for sugaring),


-hot glue,

-the wire,

-Hell plastic lid and different ribbons and bows for-deck.

Inflate the ball until you want to see your basket. The next step-heat 1 cup of water and 2 sugar cups to such an extent while sugar is dissolved. Pour it all in a bowl and put there in the twine to absorb a little mixture. We start wrapping your ball with impregnated twine.

When your ball will be completely wrapped with twine, it is necessary to dry it.

Then it is necessary to decide which will be the bottom of the basket and mark this place with a pencil or marker. Using sharp scissors, start cutting around the basket circumference. As soon as this step is made, it's time to add the last strokes!

Hot glue and beautiful ribbon decorate the top edge of the basket. Next, cut a piece of wire of the desired length for the handle. You can use any size of the wire - even the shoulders. Since there is a thin wire, then two pieces are used for additional strength. Wire loop is skipped through the top edge where you want to be a pen. Reduce the place of connecting the handle and the base of the basket with beautiful flowerflowers or bows.

For the bottom of the basket, use the plastic cover, cutting the ring from it.

Hot glue glue the ring to the bottom of the basket and re-adjust it.

Most of the work here can take drying of the wrapped ball, and part of the decoration is easy and fast!

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