Learning to make industrial nodules for connecting threads when knitting


Learning to make industrial nodules for connecting threads when knitting

Showed me somehow the way of connecting threads and I want to share with you. The knot is industrial and showed me his female knitted factory.

When woolen or cotton threads can and hide tips in the canvas. They will not slip away. And when knitting viscose, silk, nylon, etc., elastic and slippery threads, their places of refueling are very noticeable and the tips slip, and even the knots from the movement of the canvas torment to unleached. So you have to crop the tips, so that there are no shaggy brushes and thickens, so noticeable in napkins. And the nodules must be specially tightened, so as not to weaken and did not unleashed.

This nodule holds.

Learning to make industrial nodules for connecting threads when knitting

Learning to make industrial nodules for connecting threads when knitting

Learning to make industrial nodules for connecting threads when knitting

Learning to make industrial nodules for connecting threads when knitting

Learning to make industrial nodules for connecting threads when knitting

Learning to make industrial nodules for connecting threads when knitting

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