Hydroponic installation with your own hands


Hydroponic installation

Hydroponic installation with your own hands

Grow cucumbers in the winter house and early spring can try each, but not necessarily everything turns out. Before that, I tried everything, but they gathered something, the fruits grew up the size of the little finger and immediately sucked. So I thought that a special approach was needed, I decided to make a hydroponic installation for growing cucumbers.

Do not scare a "smart word", in fact everything is very easy and simple. I will describe the course of your work on the manufacture of hydroponic installation.

At first, the plumbing store bought sewer pipes from plastic, you will also need four tees, four angle 90 'and plug (one enough). The main thing is that here you need to pay attention to the diameter of all parts was the same 110mm.

The kit must include seals.

Hydroponic installation

We take any pylon (the hacksaw is suitable) in three tees cut the average removal over the kime.

Hydroponic installation

In these sliced ​​openings, we will insert pots for vases (3 pcs.). We buy vases in advance, you can the simplest and cheap, most importantly, so that the diameter of the vase approached to install them in the inside of the outlet.

At this stage it looks like this.

Hydroponic installation

With the help of a drill and drill with a diameter of 8 mm, the holes drilled in the day and in height only at the bottom to the middle of the pot, as in the photo.

Hydroponic installation

Connected all pipes, be sure to use sealing rings (you have to do it a little after all with pipe seals are consistent). It can be done in a smart and at the same time make it easier for yourself, to connect two halves and only then all together. Before collecting pipes that will be the basis of hydroponic installation, seals can be lubricated by some liquid detergent for washing dishes.

As a result, that's what we did.

Hydroponic installation

To further continue to work, I will tell the principle of operation of the hydroponic installation. In this installation, the roots of seedlings are omitted directly into the water (more precisely into solution with different nutritional and utility substances), from there the plant takes so much fluid how much it needs it so we must control the level of fluid. To this end, we will make a float with a scale.

Another nuance when the roots will constantly be in the water they can be contrary to prevent oxygen needs, aeration system (oxygen flow into water).

To do this, the float with the scale will need to do this system.

In order to make a aeration system went to pet store, the aquariums department and bought: compressor, barrels for creating bubbles, two meters of tubes, tees.

Hydroponic installation

Hydroponic installation

To make the float, I needed a foam and tip from spinning (it will serve as a basis). The edge of the tip from the spinning, which is thickening pre-groaning with glue, stuck in the foam.

Hydroponic installation

In need of everything that is in the economy can be, like this was useful and from the syringe cap for the needle. I used it as a guide tube (there must be sliding, and the float with a scale should stand vertically). Cut from the cap deaf end and put it on the rod from the float.

Hydroponic installation

In the plug of plastic pipes, three holes drilled, a cap and a tubule will be fixed.

Hydroponic installation

The opening in the center will be for the float, and in the side openings insert the tubes (as the compressor I have two ways to feed the air, then I have two). Dalued the attachment and glue cap.

Hydroponic installation

Hydroponic installation

While everything looks like this

Hydroponic installation

The scale on the float is drawn by an ordinary nail polish, we will see the water level in the pipe.

Hydroponic installation

Apply to the dashes on this principle, one at the base of the float, the second after installing to the middle of the pouring water. These will be Min and Max.

On the first one between the top designation and the bottom we apply another "gold band" below its float should not be descended (this level must be strictly monitored) when the float is lowered by the middle into the system add water.

Hydroponic installation

With a float, we finish, proceed to the collection of tubes, for which air will be included in the vase. Fix the tubes under all vases.

Hydroponic installation

Hydroponic installation

Well, here is a hydroponic installation with your own hands for growing cucumbers and other vegetables.

Hydroponic installation

I planted the cucumbers and by that time when I made a homemade hydroponic installation with my own hands, I was already seedled, pulled it out of the pot very carefully washed the roots washed away all the remnants of the Earth) and placed them in the Vazon in advance with clay. To fill the vase could be used and vermiculite, but it will constantly wash off with bubbles.

Watch over where to get pure grazit is not worth it. We take the most ordinary one that is used on construction well rinsed with running water, it will be even better if we boil it (the less chemical impurities will remain, the better).

Hydroponic installation with your own hands

Slightly about the process of growing:

- Cucumbers need to be tied up with a ladder, and you can pull the thread attaching them to the windowsill or the window.

- Sometimes the pump can be turned off for a while, but I did not experiment.

- Solution - concentrate solution for hydroponic installation ordered on the Internet, but it can be bought in specially designed for the garden and the garden of stores.

- As I wrote earlier before, in separate pots, Sadim seeds of which will grow seedlings. We choose the best and place them in the vase of the hydroponic installation.

As for the experiment, I collected a very good harvest for the first time (each torn cucumber I write down in a notebook lying near the installation). I have grown 122 cucumbers and each 12-15 cm.

The hydroponic installation that I made my own hands for growing cucumbers can be used for more than one year, changing only the ceramzite.

You can plant cucumbers already at the end of February, when the day becomes more. Of course you can land in winter, but then in the morning and in the evening near the cucumbers you need to turn on the lamp.

Hydroponic installation

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