12 tricks that will change your idea of ​​foil


12 tricks that will change your idea of ​​foil

I propose to learn 12 methods of unusual use of foil from aluminum, which will make your life easier.

1. Polishing silver

Using food soda, salt, foil and boiling water can be easily cleansed silver.

12 tricks that will change your idea of ​​foil

2. To protect the door handles when you paint the door

12 tricks that will change your idea of ​​foil

3. To remove rust from metal

12 tricks that will change your idea of ​​foil

4. Using foil to '+' at the end of the battery

12 tricks that will change your idea of ​​foil

5. Save the freshness of bananas

12 tricks that will change your idea of ​​foil

6. Save time and power to clean the plates

12 tricks that will change your idea of ​​foil

7. Using aluminum foil to twist straight hair

12 tricks that will change your idea of ​​foil

8. To move heavy furniture

12 tricks that will change your idea of ​​foil

9. Protect the cake from burning

12 tricks that will change your idea of ​​foil

10. To clean the pots

12 tricks that will change your idea of ​​foil

11. Cool scissors

12 tricks that will change your idea of ​​foil

12. Improvised Voronk

12 tricks that will change your idea of ​​foil

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