Plastic Bottle Garden


Lamps for Garden

Cottage from us appeared not so long ago, and now we spend our entire energy to bring it in order and make beautiful.

And you can decorate the plot even with the help of ordinary semi-liters plastic bottles. We, for example, make out of them stands for curly plants and lamps. You need to crop snaps to a height of 5-6 cm.

Rates from the edge of 1 cm, to make holes (it is more convenient to use stencil). Then the bottoms to assemble the type "web" - to tie to the cooked carcass of the wire or PVC plumbing pipes. For the tops you can use the rim from the old bike. When the lamp is ready, paint it with aerosol paint. Inside you can hook a christmas garland or LED cord.

For a lamp in the form of a ball, the strapping must be started on top. You can add some other details using plastic children's unnecessary toys, old thermos, etc. Very nice, in my opinion, looks like a lamp "Municipal", made of hemisphere.

Distillers for Garden

Examples of garden lamps for the garden

Plastic Bottle Garden

Distillers for Garden

Distillers for Garden

Distillers for Garden

Distillers for Garden

Yu.V. Mikhailova, Cherepovets

How to decorate a slide of pebbles

How to decorate a slide of pebbles

When in the spring I come to your favorite cottage, I always want to quickly melted snow, and around the signs of flowers. But do not hurry nature, I decided to take it into my own hands.

We had a slide of pebbles on the site. My daughters and we took some smooth stones from there, washed them with water and dried. Then they were covered with pebbles acrylic paints. Tassels took synthetic.

Thus, we made some bright heartings for our future colors. Some petals cut out of plastic bottles, the rest - from white plastic, painted them again with acrylic paints, gave the details to dry. So that the petals are better glued, the parties that are attached to the stone made in the form of the tongues, in the middle a little closed them. Then the petals were well sealed. For fastening, we used the adhesive of instant drying, you can use a thermopystole.

Now our plot is decorated with flowers that bloom before snowdrops!

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