10 random inventions that made their creators millionaires


10 random inventions that made their creators millionaires

Not all necessary and useful things in the world were invented or invented specifically. Some hands of human hands who benefit, joy, improving or simplifying our life with you, were not an end to the work of the work of scientists and appeared quite by chance. I present you 10 such inventions.

Ice lolly

Inventor: Frank Epperson

In fact, 11-year-old Epperson not only produced a peculiar revolution in the street food industry, but also became the author of the world's first fruit ice recipe. According to legend, in the evening, the boy forgot on a glass of a glass with soda (it was winter), and a wand remained in a glass, which soda powder is stirred in water. 18 years later, in 1923, the teen Epperson used his find in business and opened the trade in frozen lemonade. Another year later, the inventor of the rich on his "epsyclach" (as they were then called) so much that he made a small rebranding, patented its invention and opened the "Popcisc Corporation". After the sale of a patent in 1928, Epperson received deductions from each "Popcent" sold in the United States; By 1983, when the brand bought the world's largest food holding "UNILEVER", its price amounted to $ 155 million.

Super glue

Inventor: Harry Kutouver

At the time of the Second World American Chemist, Kutuver, who headed the research team in the company "Eastman Kodak", was engaged in the development of ultra-earth weapons sights using cyanacrylic acid. He did not succeed in the sights, but during one of the experiments, the whole team literally "hp up" In the substance, in the consequence of the superclaim. By 1958, the glue was released into a mass turnover; Over the next few years, Kuover participated in the development and production of another 320 types of glue, incl. glue for tightening wounds and lining of surgical seams; And by the time of the death of a scientist in 2011, he had no 460 patents.

Movein dye

Inventor: William Henry Perkin

Another "unsuccessful" chemist - this time from the UK - several years persistently tried to find ... Medicine from malaria. As a result, in the 1856th year, the survey of Perkin led it to the invention of the world's first synthetic dye, and percin, do not be a fool, quickly patented its invention. Soon he opened the factory near London, and by the 1862th purple dye acquired such popularity that the Queen of Victoria flashed in the outfits painted by Movein. And, despite the fact that the excitement to the dye quickly went to no, in less than 10 years Perkin managed to earn millions, in the 60s sold the factory and subsequently devoted himself to research.


Inventor: Roy Plankett

Another discovery committed due to forgetfulness and low night temperatures. American Roy Plankett experimented with gase properties during the development of cooling substances. By chance, leaving one of the samples on the street, on the morning, Plankett discovered that the substance was hardened and turned into a semblance of wax. Further research led to the fact that in the 1945th, the company on which Plankett worked, patented Teflon and began to use it in the production of hundreds of types of products (from metal dishes to cable insulation). To date, the invention brought its author and to the manufacturer's company billions of dollars; The latter, by the way, occupies 3rd place in the world ranking of players of chemgent.

Plastic Bakelit.

Inventor: Leo Hendrik Baklakan

Polymer Bakelite is widely used in the production of household appliances, electronics and dishes. It does not melt, it does not heat the heat, resistant to scratches, pressure, friction and impact, is a good insulator, easily processed and maintains temperatures to +300 C. These properties allow the use of Bakelit almost everywhere - both in the engineering and production of weapons and in the engineering Electrical engineering (phones, irons, sockets, switches, electric meters) and household goods manufacturing (knives and pan, checkers, chess, souvenirs, etc.).

However, originally Belgian Baklalan was looking for a completely different substance - a substitute for natural resin shellac, which was used for the production of varnishes and paints. Shellac also moves well an external physical impact, but at the same time it burns perfectly. Having received the Bakelit, the Belgian inventor immediately killed two hares at once - found what he was looking for, and at the same time the most valuable polymer and the world's first default plastic. In 1910, Bakelan patented the discovery, created the company "Baktelit Corporation" and added several tens of millions of dollars to his and without that alone.


Inventor: Robert Chizbro

In the 1859th, a 22-year-old chemist Chenbro came to Pennsylvania to try his hand in the oil industry. In one beautiful day in every sense, he found a sticky substance at the bottom of the oil sump, which oilmen was called paraffin or "wax plugs" and used for healing cuts and burns. An enterprising cheesebro took a sample with him, studied the substance and extracted the existing components from it. In 1872, he patented Vazeline and organized production, by the mid-1870s opened offices in London, Paris and Barcelona, ​​and in 1911, Chizbro plants were already in dozens of Europe and Africa. By the time, in 1987, the company acquired all the same "UNILEVER", she brought more than $ 75 million annual income.


Inventor: Joseph McVicker

Before becoming one of his favorite children's entertainment, plasticine was used for 22 years as ... cleaning equipment for wallpaper. However, in the 1954th, a daughter-in-law of Joe McViker - an employee of the manufacturer of plasticine - took a piece of substance to a kindergarten, where he worked as an educator to show it to children. Plasticine caused such delight from the kids, which, after the story of the daughter-in-law, McVicker immediately realized his true commercial value and filed the idea of ​​his leadership. Opening in the company's own workshop, the chemist added various dyes and almond flavor to plasticine, prescribed the price of $ 1.5 per bank (at the same time continuing to trade "cleaner for wallpaper" for $ 0.34) and in four years increased company profits from 100 thousand dollars to 3 million in 1960 he separated from the main company and became the owner of his own factory; B1964-M Macvicer sold production and patent for $ 18 million.

Stickers "post-IT"

Inventor: Arthur Fry

Divine insight descended to Fry Sunday in the morning of 1973, when he sang in church choir. The layout of the songwriter Fray constantly dropped out, so the unlucky singer was shot down from words and was forced to re-search for the right page. And then he remembered the seminar of the inventor-pensioner Spencer Silver, where he visited a few days ago: Silver told that he received a unique sticky substance, but until he knows where to find him commercial use. And Fry found. True, the process of developing, marketing research and implementation in production took almost 8 years, but the result is definitely worth it. To date, about 6 billion blocks of stickers are sold annually; The manufacturer company produces about 400 different types of stickers and notebooks and sells them in more than 100 countries around the world.


Inventor: Percy Spencer

Experimenting with the device for the detection of enemy aircraft, the American engineer Percy Spencer accidentally melted a chocolate bar in his own pocket. Scientist quickly realized that microwave radiation was marked, and continued to investigate their properties on other food. In the course of the demonstrations of their opening, Spencers exploded the eggs several times, prepared the pop-root and warmed the hot dogs, and by the end of the 1940s patented a microwave oven and gave good to mass production. Last year, Rateon turnover is the largest contractor of the US Department of Defense and the first microwave manufacturer - amounted to $ 25 billion; Persie Spencer occupies the position of senior vice president and chairman of the board of directors.

Lipucca clasp

Inventor: George de Mestern

In 1941, after morning jogging in a small Swiss village, the scientist George de Mesadral long and diligently pierced the drawings of the thistle from the sports pants. Interested in "Pontaling" of this Plant, de Meshral studied flowers under the microscope and found that their ability to adhere to various tissues is provided with hundreds of microscopic hooks, scattered over the surface. Being savings in several scientific fields, de Mestern began to develop a new fastener material, and in ten years the first velcro appeared on sale. However, in order to gain consumer popularity in the invention, the Swiss has already needed almost 20 years: at the beginning of the 70s, the velcro began to be used in the production of suits for NASA astronauts, and the sales of the material began to grow multiple pace. According to the wife of the late de Mistral, the last 30 years he lived and fed a family solely on patent deductions from his invention.

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