Russian oven: yesterday and today


Russian oven yesterday and today

By the way, in the dining room at Bill Gates there is a real Russian oven in which he is frying pies and cobbies with meat. Interesting that the famous computer magnate was not the only person abroad, which appreciated the entire value, the convenience and beauty of the Russian stove.

The Russian oven did not go at all. She slowly was warm in its corner in industrialization, electrification, gasification, and was always the object of close attention of specialists due to their wonderful qualities. Now the Russian oven is experiencing a second birth; Her economy and multifunctionality played a considerable role.

The Russian oven is unique in essence. Being a very important element of life, the Russian oven rightly took its deserved place in history.

In different parts of Russia, Russian stoves had a different form, sometimes there were very unusual copies, but the main dimensions were still preferable to pretty strictly. Russian oven, this is a massive design, the average Russian stove had the following dimensions: the width of the Russian furnace was 2 ARSHIN (about 142 cm), the length is 3 ARSHIN (about 213 cm), and the height from the floor to the burdock - 2.5 ARSHIN (about 180 cm)

Kurtkaya Russian oven (oven without a chimney), used in ancient Russia for a long time was a prototype of a well-known "Russian stove". When the heaven began to stir "in white", then it was necessary to take care of the material for pipes. Because hot gases went straight from the tube directly from the furnace, it was forced to make from refractory material - from a bit of clay or bricks. In order to catch the smoke out of the furnace as best, in front of the mouth of the furnace, the pipe expanded, forming the so-called casing. For similarities with the subject of women's clothing, he was still called Epan. Subsequently, for stability, the EPAPAC was to be written to the bottom with two racks, which relied on the spear. It is possible that these are these six ingredients and gave a new name solder, which began to call the sixth.

Shelks - shelf in front of the mouth of the furnace, on which the hostess could keep the cooked food in warmth. On the sixth, the slaughtered coals intended for the next furnace were signed.

A simple Russian fourth furnace is mainly intended for pots and cast iron, which are made from here with the help of grasp in the oven. During the cooking cooking from time to time, it is set for the sixth to check the degree of preparedness of the volatile and add something. Here the hostess puts forward them at the end of the cooking before sending to the table.

Although mostly the sixth served as a stand for furnace dishes, in some cases it was used as an open fireplace. For example, you need to heat the brew, and the furnace has long cooled - not to buy it again. On the revenue and came the seals. On it was placed a small forged tripogo called Tagan. From above on the rim Taganka put the cast iron, a saucepan or a kettle. The mouth of the furnace was closed by the flap so that her handle was turned towards the furnace. Opening the view, under the tripod, a small bonfire of short churochk was burned. If you did not have to get the taganka, you got two bricks from the subground and put them on the edge at some distance from each other. Between the bricks also diluted the fire, and from above, they put the vessel with food or a kettle with water.

In the side wall, the oven was made a shallow niches - the stubble, where the wet mittens and raucion were usually dried. In the warm hemp in the cold time held a poultry.

In the Russian oven burned the clay dishes. In the Russian stove burned not only dishes, but also toys. And the toys were burned, as a rule during conventional firebox.

In the peasant sacks, the oven was located in the corner of the hut, to the left or right of the entrance. It did not exclude the installation of additional furnaces, but they were used only for heating.

Laying wood

Few people know that the Russian oven needs to install firewood.

Firewood so that they are roasted at the same time and gave good coals, try to pour and pick up the same size, without large bitch. At the same time, so that the coals are uniform, the firewood is no longer laid down, and try to protrude the oven with one piece of firewood, keeping the heat from coal as long as possible. To melt the Russian firewood furnace is placed by a well.

It is stacked from 7 to 13 minutes, a long wooden shovel. It is desirable as far as possible from the mouth. The first fully laid across the furnace. Thereby along the oven the overall end on the first right., 5,6,7 across the second, third, fourth and so on.

Such a well is done in order for firewood to light up and roasted at once. For this, on the lowest, the beams of long raysin are stacked between the lamps.


The Russian oven in the peasant hollow was to the winter every day in winter and summer. She heated the hut, the food for the family was prepared in it. Even to the dinner, everything remained hot. It also prepared cattle food. The dimensions of the Russian oven were very impressive. Through a wide mouth, two-dimensional cast iron passed. Height passed the clay korchag with malt for beer.

The structure of the Russian ovens allowed to cook on it not only porridge, but also bake bread, pies, dry mushrooms, yes berries and grain, etc. How to cook pancakes video.

The design of the oven allowed it to use the same parts for different types of heat treatment. The food could be boiled or soaring, fry, oven or tom.


• roasted at the entrance to the furnace;

• cooked in the furnace;

• on the Shestak heated previously cooked food;

• Tomi products inside the furnace, after the firebox;

• On the pier - baked.

Culinary Russian oven, cooking in which is worked out for centuries, is still unique. Modern kitchen furnaces, ovens, microwaves and steamers already give a completely different effect.

The secret of the taste of food, cooked in a Russian oven, is that the heat of the furnace is distributed evenly and the temperature does not change for a long time. Cookware with food does not have direct contact with fire, allowing content to warm up from all sides evenly without a fountain. In addition, in the furnace and on the furnace dried mushrooms, berries, fish.

Special smokehouses sat on the attic.


The Russian oven loved not only for the fact that she had given warm for a long time. The Russian oven with a layman served as a great place to relax. The warmth of the Russian furnace had a positive effect on the entire human body. Russian bath, yes the heat of the Russian oven has ordered a person.

Treat a different cold twelley and could have a stove. The patient on a special sun bed pushed into the oven so that he propose well. Outside, the oven was sprayed with water or kvass, and the thick "bread" pairs was a kind of inhalation and has a beneficial effect on the patient. Also in the furnaces were tremended by infants from Rahita. The kids were deceived by clay and put in a warm stove. Such common heating of the body led to the correction of bones.

The stoves also batted. Places in the Russian oven is enough. The heating furnace took no less than a third of the hut, and two adults could be climbed into the inside.

The broom in it, of course, do not miss, but you can safely bathe. It is not known what is more in such ingenuity - an extension (which is in vain to disappear, cast iron will put - and the water will warm up) or "Emelevskaya" laziness (why the bath is dried, if you can wash out in the stove).

Russian oven freely accommodated two adults. After the extracts were purified by the spawned thoroughly and lined with straw so as not to accommodate, they were put in the cast iron with water, after which it was possible to use a furnace as a peculiar mini bath. For the sixth put a pure truth. Then the man climbed into the oven and sat on the straw. It was possible to splash out of the bucket on the hot walls, and you can simply urinate a broom, shake him behind my back. If you want to breathe fresh air, you can lie down your head to the mouth. Men were picked first, then mother with kids. Adults werehed themselves, more often one, and children and old people were served inside on a wooden shovel.

It washed lying, for washing hair used ash or egg. Dummy couple, dumping hot walls of the furnace. Russian people liked to wash in the stove, the bath was treated, only for a large company.

That is why the proposal "in the furnace will shake out", which for a modern person sounds suspiciously and even wildly, in the context of older times it sounded perfectly normal.

Interestingly, girls were in the stove more often than men. In some areas, for example, in the Vladimir province - girls were generally considered a sinful to wash in the bath. Walking there was allowed only to married, and girls or widows had to use home Russian ovens. Or maybe they themselves did not want to wash there, frightened by the stories about the banner - the unclean strength, the owner of the bath, who could and roll the stone from the bath oven to quit in the uncoated guest, and the door should be tightly closed. The Russian stove stood in the house where the icons were hung and every corner of Kropded Holy Water. Therefore, it was calmer in it.

The times of beliefs in buns and houses have long passed. The ash replaced the shampoo, and the baths turned into spacious rooms with relaxation rooms. But maybe there are families in remote villages that still consider the oven the best place for bath procedures. And, as all unusual, wash in the furnace will once be in fashion and will become no less popular than the sauna or Turkish bath.


The subordinate oven in the winter was one of the main sources of light, and the most important female needlework in those times was spinning. Sitting on a bench near the mouth of the furnace, the woman rolled the spindle with his right hand, the left was dried up and, of course, she looked at the other side. If the furnace stood on the left of the entrance, the light fell not convenient for work. Even at the beginning of the 20th century in the Russian village there were many smokers, worked with homemade masters. It is not by chance that in the dictionary V.I. Dalya, the hollow with the left-sided location of the oven is called "Velo-Nariyaya" for the fact that in a similar dwelling, a woman is not spinning.

Place in the hill

There are three traditional orientation options for the mouth of the furnace.

The most ancient - South Russian. The furnace is located in one of the distant corners. The oven angle (not to be confused with an angle in which the oven itself stands) takes the space from the mouth to the opposite wall. If it is separated by a curtain or partition, it will be a "kitchen". The angle lying from the mouth diagonally is called large, or red. There are table, chest, long shops and hang icons. In the fourth corner, under the ceiling are arranged (flooring from a sphanglass board). Smeared by the curtain, it is done by the "bedroom". Watercraft, water buckets and all kitchen equipment are in the furnace corner. The red angle is at the same time a hallway, dining room, living room and place for work. Such a layout of peasant houses is common from the southern Moscow region to the middle course of Don.

The second option is North Russian. The mouth ("man", "whole") of the main, bread furnace is drawn to the opposite entrance of the wall and illuminated by the side window. The furnace stood almost close to the side wall. Between them remained 20-30 cm, where kitchen utensils were stored. Between the furnace and the end wall, on the entrance, wooden flaps were arranged. Such a layout can be attributed to the North Middle Russian. In the cross houses and five-rank with bakingbar, the oven was located so that it was possible to pull or all the rooms or several of them. In this case, they made a furnace with a subtopic or camel. The importance of the space of horses increased from the entrance to the opposite wall, where the "front angle" was located with icons and a table. The most low-speed place was part of the hut near the entrance, located between the bed and the stove, - "under the threshold". The rules of politeness forced those who came to the house to dwell at the entrance and wait for the invitation to go on. The space between the oven and the wall where the "front angle" was located, called "jun". It traditionally belonged to the woman and was intended mainly for cooking and sewing. There was a "drawer" with the owners of the hostess - the chest with dowry taken from the home of the parents. Near the furnace was the entrance in the underground. A small bench was adjacent to the furnace from the side of the entrance door.

In the third embodiment, the oven axis perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the house. In the north, this option is called "Finnish", as it is found in the dwellings of the divorce Finns, in the south - Ukrainian. The furnace stands next to the door, but the mouth looks not on the opposite from the entrance, but on the side wall. Accordingly, the red angle is located as well as in the North Russian hives, but the furnace - at the entrance, is all in sight, so it is both a kitchen and an entrance hall.

The middle arrangement of the furnace in the house is absolutely not characteristic of the housing of East Slavic peoples.

Stove in modern style

There is no limit to perfection. New technologies, new materials, new building capabilities appear. Change tastes, glances.

Some modern Russian furnaces additionally contain a boiler with pipe wiring around the house.

The oven besides its direct functions of the beginning becomes the subject of interior decor. In any room, the oven will always be in the spotlight, will always be a "nail". The immutable property of the furnace is that it is the center of heat and comfort.

Here are the joint work of the designers and the masters of the People.

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