Egg shell toys


Egg shell toys

Diaraham in the eggshell: a little patience and accuracy and you have a wonderful ornament or a unique gift for any holiday.

Egg shell toys

Egg shell toys

Egg shell toys

Egg shell toys

Egg shell toys

Egg shell toys

Translate literally this MK I did not become - it does not make sense. First, many simply do not have appropriate materials, and secondly, why kill fantasy, the main idea!

So, having done the hole with a sharp knife, as the author advises, pour the contents and rinse the interior under running water. We leave for drying.

Egg shell toys

Next, the shell paint, which will provide its greater strength when flushing.

Abundantly lubricating the outer surface with glue (PVA) we collapse ... Here you can tell you a fantasy and a healthy material: sequins, cereals, beads, artificial snow ...

Egg shell toys

Egg shell toys

Next, secure loop from thread, fishing line, braid, guided by the sample

Now the most interesting thing comes: decoration! The reason, the materials that were at hand (any decorative materials: sequins, glitters, paper, fabric, braid, small toys, natural materials - not to list everything!) And your fantasy will determine the final result and a great pastime. One note: the author recommends in front of the start to insert a piece of foam, which will provide a smooth surface. Item of creative success!

Egg shell toys

Egg shell toys

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