Sofa in nursery from a plurality of pillows: simple step-by-step instruction


Sofa in nursery from a plurality of pillows: simple step-by-step instruction

Create a soft comfortable sofa at home from old pillows and pads is very simple. For this you need to make a minimum effort and work will be carried out soon and without delays.

What is needed to create a comfortable sofa from pillows?

Sofa in nursery from a plurality of pillows: simple step-by-step instruction

Few people can imagine that the furniture can be done without difficulty in their apartment. There will be no expensive tools and machines for this, and you will not have to hire masters, and everything can be done with your own hands without difficulty. Taking ordinary pillows, you can make a convenient sofa from them, which can be used for a long time without difficulty. You should not be afraid of serious financial costs, since a dozen pillows can be bought at the store at the most affordable price, and you can connect everything with the most affordable means. To create a high-quality sofa from pillows, you will need:

  1. Dozen or slightly more diverse pillows.
  2. Sweat fabric
  3. Scissors
  4. Sewing machine.
  5. Buttons.

Almost this is all that will be needed to create a special type of transformer sofa from pillows.

A distinctive feature of the design is that the sofa dimensions can be constantly changing, just like the number of pillows used. The sofa can be turned into a chair as a single comfortable and soft, so make a double chair for recreation from it. The use of the sofa from the pillows is extremely much.

The process of assembling the sofa transformer from pillows

The main thing is to remember that creating a comfortable comfortable sofa from pillows is very simple. Let it take more twelve pillows for this, let you have to attach dozens of straps of tight tissue holders, the main result is a convenient and easy-to-use sofa, which can serve for many years.

Not so long ago, a special plastic appeared in the West, which changes its form under external influence. Such plastic began to use for the manufacture of seats for chairs to sit comfortably, and then began to make it already and full-fledged furniture, made from plastic furniture of a bizarre form, but extremely beautiful and comfortable.

Approximately the same can be done at home, using ordinary pillows.

Tip! Fix locks-buttons or velcro stands on all edges of pillows so that you can connect any number of pillows in any location without difficulty!

First you need to cut differentized flaps made of dense tissue. They will be stray, which will hold the pillows together, creating a holistic design of the sofa.

Changing the flap with scissors, you will need to attach push-button locks to the pillows. You can also use the lock-velcro. The main goal is to connect and disconnect the sofa elements in any sequence without difficulty.

Sewing flaps and buttons can be manually using a needle and threads, it is possible to use a sewing machine, which will noticeably facilitate the process of assembling the sofa transformer from pillows.

Attaching new pillows, laying them into several layers, and attaching new on the sides, you can create a most important sofa that can be used in the country. It will be enough to disconnect all the pillows and translate to the cottage, and eventually it turns out a great sofa transformer without unnecessary investment.

It is worth noting that the sofa transformer from pillows is an innovative approach to the creation of furniture, which will soon affect many furniture manufacturers around the world. Nice to be first in something!

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