Dishwashing fluid - not only for dishes!


Dishwashing fluid - not only for dishes!

Good news: dishwashing liquid, which is on washing in each kitchen, can be used not only for washing plates and saucepan. In fact, this remedy is incredibly useful in everyday life.

1. Ice soap

Fill the rectangular plastic shape with dishwashing liquid. Close and freezing, isolating from other products in the freezer. This ice soap remains frozen for a long time, and the container can be used again for its intended purpose. Now dirty and oily hands can be washed out per second.

2. Improve manicure

For hands you can make a bath with warm water and a small amount of dishwashing fluid. They will become soft, and the manicure will do much easier.

3. Toilet cleaning agent

The tool for cleaning the toilet bowl is pouring a glass of liquid into the toilet, waiting for 10 minutes and pour in the toilet to a bucket of hot water. Chic, gloss, beauty.

4. bath wash

Apply liquid for washing dishes on a bath for 8 hours and then clean it. The remedy will help remove the skin fat and stains without effort and without damage to the surface of the bath.

5. Machine wash liquid

Machine washing liquid Mix the remedy with warm water and with a washcloth my car. No worse than special shampoos for cars.

6. Lubricant door loops

If the doors fasten, we apply a loop fluid, and the doors will stop creaking.

7. Means for washing sponge

You can take a sponge wash liquid that are used to apply makeup. They will be soft, clean and pleasant to smell.

8. Fighting fleas on carpets

We add a tablespoon of fluid into a spray gun, filled with water, spray on the carpet and fleas who came to the house on a domestic pet will die.

9. Washing extra paint with hair

If the hair was unsuccessful, they became too dark, my head with a liquid for dishes. Hair will become lighter.

10. Scaring insects from plants in the house

From the pulverizer we apply a soap-aqueous solution on the leaves of plants, and the bugs will not approach them.

11. To combat ants

We spray from the pulverizer a dishwashing liquid, diluted with water, to the places of accumulation of ants, and they will die.

12. Protection of the skin of the hands from paint

Before you paint something, we process the skin of the hands with a liquid for washing dishes, let it dry, and if the paint falls on the skin, it will be easy to wash it easier.

13. Removing stains on clothes

Removing stains on clothes rub some means in a stain, and then washed the thing with the usual way.

14. Grill cleaning from old fat

Pour fluid on the grill, let's stand up and then clean the grill.

15. Against insects indoors

Against insects indoors generously apply liquid on window and door frames. Insects stick to them and will not fall into the room.

16. For washing brushes for paint

Machine brushes in warm water with the addition of liquid for dishes for 20 minutes, then rinse them.

17. From fogging

We rub the glasses with a small amount of liquid, and they will not fiery.

18. To wash off the engine oil from the track

We wash off the engine oil Take a bucket of hot water and a bottle of dishwashes, wash off the stain from the engine oil with a brush.

19. Removal of stains from cosmetics

If the clothes or other surfaces bloom, for example, a tonal base, it can be easily washed with hot water and dishware liquids.

20. To remove oil from marine animals

Sea animals often become victims of petroleum spots on the surface of the seas and oceans, but they can be laundered using liquid for dishes. It will help clean the skin or plumage, and retain life!

Dishwashing fluid - not only for dishes!

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