How to make a beautiful floor? The guys poured a bucket of paint to the floor than the hostess was shocked!


Beautiful floor

Marble floors have always been a sign of greatness and luxury. However, the development of technologies is not standing on the spot, and today alternative materials came to the change of mramor, with which the so-called bulk floors can be made. They are associated not only with extravagance, but also with a good taste of their owner.

How to make a beautiful floor? The guys poured a bucket of paint to the floor than the hostess was shocked!
We suggest you see how skillfully masters decided to decorate the floor in the kitchen-studio, which is not even a hostess at home in shock. I confess, see the Bulgarian (grinding machine) in the very ripping of the work, I also did not expect!

How to make the floor do it yourself

    1. First, the guys flooded the floor of oil paint. Then sprinkled the surface with a special composition.

Beautiful floor
Having made a drawing sketch, the guy "brought" it with the help of a grinder.

Beautiful floor
Next, each part of the figure was assigned its color.

Beautiful floor
The masters carefully work with a tassel so as not to go over the edge.

Beautiful floor
Very harmonious combination of warm shades.

Beautiful floor

How to make a beautiful floor? The guys poured a bucket of paint to the floor than the hostess was shocked!
Stunning sunshine. But it is not yet!

Beautiful floor
At first I thought that they would want to spoil him, and then I realized that it was just a putty!

Beautiful floor
Carefully polish the surface.

Beautiful floor
Rub the floor with a special makeup to shine ...

Beautiful floor

Beautiful floor

If you want to learn all the details of the process - see this video!

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