How to make a cache in a flower pot


How to make a cache in a flower pot

I have a strange obsession with secret caches. I love to think about new ways to hide anything in a simple place and reuse unnecessary things. This instruction was born from a trip to Ikea to pick up the desk lamp. I noticed a large selection of artificial plants, and decided to buy one and see what I can do with it. And yes, I forgot the lamp.

How to make a cache in a flower pot

How to make a cache in a flower pot

Step 1: What do you need:

  • - a small artificial plant
  • - flower pot
  • - Empty plastic container (for example, from yogurt. It should be placed in a flower pot)
  • - Knife
  • - Adhesive Pistol
  • - land

Step 2: Remove the plant from Cachepo

- Disassemble an artificial plant. Most plants from IKEA have a rubber disc from a rather inconclusive fake dirt that you need to pull out to get to the connections.

How to make a cache in a flower pot

- My plant was connected to a bottom pot with some kind of metal wires, so I had to use nippers to remove it.

How to make a cache in a flower pot

- Cut the wires protruding from the bottom of the plant by about 3 centimeters.

How to make a cache in a flower pot

Step 3: Cut the container

- Make sure the plastic container can be placed in a pot of only 3-5 centimeters. You may have to try multiple containers to find one that suits.

How to make a cache in a flower pot

- Cut the bottom 1.5 centimeter container and save.

How to make a cache in a flower pot

How to make a cache in a flower pot

- Ensure that the bottom of the container is still in a pot about 3-5 centimeters below the top.

How to make a cache in a flower pot

Step 4: Assembly

- Cut the cross in the center of the bottom of the container. Make it carefully, because you can break the plastic, just inserting the blade of the knife.

How to make a cache in a flower pot

How to make a cache in a flower pot

- Pollinate the wires protruding from the bottom of the fake plants through the cross (or in my case the asterisk).

How to make a cache in a flower pot

- apply hot glue to the plant; Use a lot of glue enough to fully cover the bottom of the plants and cuts.

How to make a cache in a flower pot

How to make a cache in a flower pot

Step 5: Completion

- Put the "plant" in the pot to make sure it sits well.

How to make a cache in a flower pot

- pull out the plant and fill the plastic container of the Earth.

How to make a cache in a flower pot

- Put everything you want to hide, on the bottom of the pot with a plant.

How to make a cache in a flower pot

- Place the plant in the pot on top of it.

How to make a cache in a flower pot

Close the earth around to completely hide the plastic.

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