Lace Easter: New Egg Decoration Way


Easter holiday is much bigger and deeper than a couple of weekends, delicious cakes and painted eggs. Nevertheless, deny pleasant emotions from the above rituals is also difficult. To make a holiday even more cozy and colorful and bring something new to family traditions, I propose to try this simple but spectacular Easter Lifehak.

Lace Easter: New Egg Decoration Way

Every year to Easter millions of hoses try to come up with a new interesting way to decorate eggs. Add one more, simple, but spectacular to the piggy bank.

Lace Easter: New Egg Decoration Way

You will need:

1. Cooked screwed eggs;

2. Food dyes;

3. Small cut of lace fabric

Step 1

Lace Easter: New Egg Decoration Way

Weld up hard and cool the desired number of eggs.

Step 2.

Lace Easter: New Egg Decoration Way

Prepare the work surface, covering it with paper, so as not to blur with the dye.

Step 3.

Lace Easter: New Egg Decoration Way

Divide the dye in a separate container, guided by the instructions on the package.

Step 4.

Lace Easter: New Egg Decoration Way

Cut from the fabric small (approximately 12.5 x 15 cm) pieces in the number of eggs. The size of the segment should be so that they can be easily wrapped.

Step 5.

Lace Easter: New Egg Decoration Way

Wrap each egg with a cloth to get a bag. Ends fix with rubber band.

Step 6.

Lace Easter: New Egg Decoration Way

Place the wrapped eggs into the dye, keeping the bag for the "tail" until the fabric is completely soaked.

Step 7.

Lace Easter: New Egg Decoration Way

After painting, put them on a paper towel and give eggs to completely dry. In ideal - for the night.

Step 8.

Lace Easter: New Egg Decoration Way

When the fabric is completely dry, remove it from the eggs, unleashing the gum. You can decorate the Easter table.

Lace Easter: New Egg Decoration Way

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