Repairs! How much in this sound!


Being a person who provides services for the decoration of apartments and a person who once was the customer, I want to help the word to those who decided to make repairs.

1. Forget about idyll!

Rainbow pictures from Hollywood films and women's magazines, which arise with the Word Repair in your head have nothing to do with reality. In 95% of cases you will quarrel while choosing paint or wallpaper in the store. Because the man wants a room into a strict dark gray, and the girl in the creamy-vanilla-peach, and so that in the sun, he cast a little pink.

By the way, on the notes of newlyweds. A very large amount of divorces occurs precisely on the soil of repair. So think.

1. Forget about idyll! repair of the apartment, do it yourself, tips in everyday life

2. And forget it too!

Forget. Because, the finishers do not look like this. And electricians, and tile, and plumbing. And even more so Malyary plasters. Working specialovka looks like this, only if you just got out of the store overalls. And do not be curved at the form of a "dusty" man, with a dusty suitcase and dusty stepladder.

If you really look critically, then look at the face carefully. About this below.

2. And forget it too! repair of the apartment, do it yourself, tips in everyday life

3. Selection of employees.

On whom still to stop your choice in terms of repair work?

Turning to a solid construction company, you overpay 30-40% to the real cost of work. Because: office, accountant, administration, transport and taxes. And the same migrant workers will work.

Our foreign friends take up less money, but there is already a lottery! First, even those who live in Russia for several years, are very poorly expressing in Russian (I am not about Ukrainians and Moldovans, as you understood), which will be very strained with possible cooperation. And I saw the bathroom in reality, where they are made by the walls in the form of a trapezoid, that is, they narrowed to the ceiling! In general, all familiar characters are far from fiction!

Do not be lazy to invite several masters or representatives of brigades to your object, firms. Ask for the estimate of work, at least approximate. Running in prices is very big. Let them share their ideas, impressions. Tell about the stages of the work. Well, how will express themselves already talking about a lot.

And now about the faces. After selecting the brigade, carefully look at the immediate performers. People drinking can be seen immediately. And in your apartment they are not a place. Let it be uncle Vasya from Maryanovka (-Ex a good master, he did the fence to us!) Or your colleague's husband Andrei (you've rest more than 10 years ago). They are not a place! Otherwise, you at least spread yourself the repair period, spoil the nerves, or lose money! And they still will be expelled.

3. Selection of employees. repair of the apartment, do it yourself, tips in everyday life

4. Finance and documentation.

It is very important from starting repair to clearly plan funds for materials and payment to the workers. Because without making it, you can easily face the problem of lack of funds, it may first be associated with unplanned expenses (and they will). In order not to get into this situation, it is necessary to have a small stock of money, and not as much as it happens on the estimate. Experience prompts almost always comes out of the cost of materials by 20-40% more than the customer was calculated. And then there was a case here not so long ago. The customers did not have enough thousand five to pay off with us and immediately in the evening they bring to the object toilease for 25,000. Ugly, agree.

Combine such nuances as transportation costs, garbage collection, lifting material. It is not possible to calculate it, but you can agree to avoid mutual offensive.

Require all documentation from the contractor. In private orders, this is always a contract where the timing of the work performed, the payment timing (sometimes in stages), guarantees; estimates and acts of acceptance. Such documentation disciplines very well and customers and contractors.

I always do the estimate of work, which practically does not change until the end of the work, only if something has arisen in the process. And the calculation of draft materials, where I specify retail prices. If something at the expense of discounts will be cheaper, then it is good. In any case, this is the money of the customer and I am reporting on commercial checks or overhead. In good times, I added + 15% to the estimate of a separate graph for running with materials. Now not to whims and do it almost free. But if you add to the brigadier how much does not feel sorry for +100 to karma, definitely! Because it takes a lot of time.

Remember, the firms where you think work together with the material is simply welded on you. Type-8000 per square.

4. Finance and documentation. repair of the apartment, do it yourself, tips in everyday life

5. Hold yourself in your hands!

Very often, family relationships are put on people. Moreover, the cause of a quarrel can be both directly repaired and the topics that do not touch us. Here people work, on your good and spoil them nerves completely not to the place!

Very often, quarrels on the soil of discrepancies in tastes are also trying to stick to the heads of workers. Whether in the hope of acquiring an ally, whether it is anger.

-Well, you put the laminate in the hallway, some way it is simple! And the color of such a chushpansky!

-The whole thing that Masha brought it to us, also chose 3 weeks. (In general, we, uncle of FIG)

Decisions are accepted before the material will be laid, glued, fastened.

5. Hold yourself in your hands! repair of the apartment, do it yourself, tips in everyday life

6. Control.

Do not be lazy to control your employees at all stages. It is not necessary to stand above the soul, but it's not worth throwing your apartment for a week. Almost all my customers came in the evening, and then expressed their comments or praise. Recommements I take only essentially. Like:

- We discussed that from the corner to the IOU of that loop will be 80cm, and you have 90!

-This, fix it!

Categorically not acceptable claims type:

-And us Vasya-neighbor said (he, of course, is also a very good master, he himself, of course, did) that the floors can not be done!

-Well, call Vasya, what were we invited?! Minus 100 to karma!

A separate conversation about the cleaning of the room. Some my colleagues believe that they do not pay them, some that tomorrow will again be garbage and wivel-Sisyphers work. As a result, go to such an object, how to go to the landfill! And it's not nice to work and the customer is not ice. I demand daily cleaning and once a week-export or removal of garbage.

If you have several teams in the specialties, require all orders on the object.

6. Control. repair of the apartment, do it yourself, tips in everyday life

7. Neighbors.

Another a lot of an important moment, about which everything often forget to notify the neighbors. The fact is that during repair there is a lot of noise from working power tools that can bring great inconvenience to others. In order to avoid unpleasant situations, it is more expedient to start such work not earlier than 9 am and finish at 6 pm. And no work on weekends! A couple of ads will save you from conflicts with young moms and elderly people.

7. Neighbors. repair of the apartment, do it yourself, tips in everyday life


Good luck and so paint!

8. Repair of the apartment, do it yourself, tips in everyday life

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