How for $ 500 do it yourself make a dream house on the edge


Sustainable stereotypes exist in our world. So, for example, there is an opinion that the construction of the house requires tremendous costs. Although even a small house of containers can be very functional and cozy. This time we will talk about the colorful couple from Virginia, which built a dream house for $ 500.

How for $ 500 do it yourself make a dream house on the edge of the house, do it yourself

Their name is Nick Olson and Lilah Horwitz (Nick Olson & Lilah Horwitz). Nick is a professional photographer, and Lyla is a designer. They built his dream home in the wilderness of the literally all sorts of girlfriend, and many details of the interior were bought in flea markets.

How for $ 500 do it yourself make a dream house on the edge of the house, do it yourself

If you look at the facade - it is made from found where the window frames hit. The total budget of the building was only half a thousand dollars!

How for $ 500 do it yourself make a dream house on the edge of the house, do it yourself

True, there are no communications into the house, but it does not confuse the spouses.

How for $ 500 do it yourself make a dream house on the edge of the house, do it yourself

How for $ 500 do it yourself make a dream house on the edge of the house, do it yourself

How for $ 500 do it yourself make a dream house on the edge of the house, do it yourself

How for $ 500 do it yourself make a dream house on the edge of the house, do it yourself

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