We update suede shoes


One day, by transferring half of the wardrobe in search of "what I want - I don't know what I know - I don't want to", I was visible, I was visible that I would not need silver shoes at the same time!

We update suede shoes

It would be possible to go shopping, but the probability of finding the desired price, you know, not one week can pass. Moreover, the experience of decorating shoes under certain needs was already.

So, we climb into the storage room and we are looking for a couple of black shoes. You can not black, any, just something, and black shoes, I think, many not one couple.

We update suede shoes

To work, we will need:

shoes; acrylic paint, in this case silver; acrylic contour black; gel handle or fluster; Decorations of beads, metal, plastic, rhizes that the soul wishes (I made them myself, about it below); Glue "Moment Crystal" or super-glue; cotton wands, napkins, toothpicks, brushes, sponge, small pieces of fabric, threads with needle, table, head, hands, time.

We update suede shoes

Shoes I got a suede (or something nearby), that is, with Schellova, not a smooth texture, so I did not have to degrease them. If you have skin or leather, you need to degrease the elementary alcohol. With fabric, suede shoes need to be wet sponge remove all dust, sinking, hairs.

We take acrylic paint, brush and painted shoes.

We update suede shoes

The paint absorbs into such a surface quickly, so we try to cry in uniformly, without strong propelin. The first layer will still be absolutely even, do not be upset, the second and, if necessary, the third layers will close everything. If we fall on the sole, heel or decorations - immediately wear a cotton waller or napkin. Leave the first layer to dry, it is better for 2-3 hours.

We update suede shoes

Also apply the second layer of paint, paying attention to the propellets, let me dry, look at the result, if satisfied, we leave so if we see flaws, we also apply the layers.

Here, one shoe is already painted in two layers, another one in one - the difference is obvious:

We update suede shoes

When the result is satisfied, everything is sucked, go to the next stage.

Any bright color can always be slightly "seduced" by making an option more casual and universal, applying a drawing with black, gray or white. I apply a black contour pattern.

Open a book with patterns and ornaments (or Internet), inspire.

We update suede shoes


We update suede shoes

You can draw elealerts at once with a loop, a more complex pattern for the substitution pour first with a gel handle (a golden knob is visible on a silver handle), or washed felt-tip pen. At first, you just need to test the handle or felt-tippet on an invisible area on the subject that it will be easy to get eager after a while.

We update suede shoes

We update suede shoes

We draw, draw, draw.

We update suede shoes

We update suede shoes

On shoes, the achievement of perfect symmetry is completely optional, firstly, the asymmetry looks good too, and secondly, the shoes on the legs with the same angles are never at the same time in sight.

We update suede shoes

We update suede shoes

All erroneous elements immediately wear a slight cotton wand. For a more accurate and detailed drawing of small parts, use settlement. When the result is satisfied, leave to dry for a couple of hours.

After drying, we remove the remaining lines from the handle or marker.

On the bottom photo on the spiral can be seen a golden handle.

We update suede shoes

On my socks, my shoes were round areas, on which, apparently, some decorations were attached earlier. I honestly and selflessly went on a few stores in our city in search of suitable decorations, but everything is in vain. I wanted something black and hematito-transparent-beaded. Decided to do it alone.

Now, please all, especially those who do beading, exhale and move away three steps from the screen :)

I will not describe the whole process, it is not so refer to the master class, but after a few hours of torment and from the third copy, I was satisfied with these creatures from beads and rhizes:

We update suede shoes

Jewelry can be simply glued to shoes, but I decided to make a small foundation - small platforms made of fabric sewed on the opposite side of the jewelry, and with these platforms glued with super-glue to shoes.

We update suede shoes

Voila, our shoes for walking are ready! Thank you all for your attention!

We update suede shoes

We update suede shoes

We update suede shoes

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