How to clean the washing machine from scale


How to clean the washing machine from scale

Washing machine AUTOMATING THROUGH THE FRIENDS The necessary, but sometimes it is quite expensive pleasure for the family budget. Therefore, it is so important that the purchased washing machine serves you not alone and not two years, but as long as possible. However, alas, it does not always happen, because we are talking about the quality of tap water, which flows through our pipes. In many settlements, water is so tough and oversaturated with various impurities in rusty pipes, which fight this phenomenon seems to be quite time consuming, and sometimes hopeless. If you put filters, it is quite expensive.

Of course, as an option, you can follow well-known advertising and regularly buy softeners like fashionable caulgon, etc .. But, agree that this is also quite expensive, because the pack of such a softener costs about 400 rubles for 1 kilo, but enough of his maximum For a couple of weeks. You can use special funds from scale, but as it has already been proven that the substances used in these anti-cypines and softeners are not fully alleged from the linen, so they are not safe to wash things for allergy and small children.

It is enough to hold such a procedure once every 3-4 months as prevention. However, if the water in your settlement is very tough, you can make a procedure more often, it will not be damaged to this.

And here is the recipe itself. The whole secret is to use conventional citric acid. For a standard loading machine with a load of 3.5 kg, there are four lemon acid sachets weighing 15 gr. If the capacity of the machine is more, then the dosage is increasing. Someone recommends a machine with 5 kg loading to use even 2 acid package for 100 grams. Push away the acid into the separation for the washing powder and turn on the machine to the full washing cycle at the maximum temperature. My car has a "cotton" 90 with a cycle duration of 137 minutes. And all! Lemon acid will perfectly clean out from the inside, and at the first drain of water, you can see how much nonsense and rubbish was on the details of your car. The effect of such a procedure will be noticeable to the eye if you take 1 table with a slide with a slide of citric acid and boil the water in the kettle, then cool.

Personally, I am from such a method of cleaning the washing machine in complete enthusiastic and chemistry, which means no harm to health.

How to clean the washing machine from scale

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