You will be delighted by learning what you can do from beads and pins!


You will be delighted by learning what you can do from beads and pins!

The heart of any woman begins to beat faster when she passes by the showcases with decorations ... Elegant things so caress.

You will be delighted by learning what you can do from beads and pins!

A little time and minimal efforts - everything you need to create a unique decoration that will look wonderful almost with any outfit. Seeing this idea, I could not pass by: Charm, how good these bracelets!

Simple bracelets

You will need

  • English pins (quantity depends on the wrist thickness)
  • beads
  • rubber


    1. Pick up the beads, which is easily rolled out onto the pin. The main thing is to choose the right color, you can combine the beads of different shades together ... Getting started to wear beads onto pins, it is easy to do on a flat surface.

Simple bead bracelets

    1. To get an original bracelet, you will need to fill in a bead about 90 English pins!

Simple bracelets do it yourself

    1. Cut the gum to 2 and make a nodule at one end of each part.

Simple bracelets do it yourself

    1. The most interesting! Grind rubber band through holes in pins.

We make simple bracelets

    1. To make the bracelet, it turns out to be neat, placing the pins in this way and boldly make a rubber band.

Beaded bracelet with your own hands

    1. When the work is almost finished, example whether the bracelet is suitable for you in size!

Bead bracelet without machine

    1. Defrections of extra ends of the gum. The female bracelet is ready and flickering in his magnificence!

Beaded bracelet and beads do it yourself

    1. Experimenting with the sizes of beads, you can achieve an impressive effect ...

Beaded bracelet and pins do it yourself

You will be delighted by learning what you can do from beads and pins!

    1. You can choose golden pins for your masterpiece: also a great option!

how to make a bracelet of beads and pins

    1. For the manufacture of a bracelet, you can use not only beads!

Bracelet made of pins and beads

    1. The bracelet from the beads can do with your own hands! Sociable your 8-year-old son make me such a gift ... Great idea for classes with children!

Bracelet made of pins do it yourself

    1. Brilliant addition to summer outfits!

Bracelet made of pins master class

    1. Idea for gambling needlewomen: Necklace of small pins and beads. Wonderful!

Brakelet from English pins

    1. Perhaps it is also worth doing ...

Decoration from bead photo

Share with girlfriends a part of the beautiful, showing them this article! Creativity decorates our life, agree ...

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