10 secrets for home care for real hosts! For a good mistress, it is very important to know this ..


These 10 tips will help you make cleaning less expensive: you can replace household chemicals with appliant means. But the result will be impressive! It's time for general cleaning, for work!

1. Cleaning microwave

Puff into the glass mixture of vinegar and water 1: 1. Put the glass into the microwave, turn it on for 5 minutes. Couples of water and vinegar will help to quickly clean up the microwave. Just wipe her with a sponge.


2. Refrigerator

To facilitate the cleaning of the shelves of the refrigerator, have been stined with a food film. It is easy to replace with a new one if necessary.

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3. Bath

Cellulosic cottage wool will perfectly clean the bath in the bleach. Split wool in problem places and leave it there for the night. In the morning you will admire the cleanliness!

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4. Grille on the stove

The grille will look like new, if you do such a trick with her. Put the grille into the plastic bag, add 3 tablespoons of the ammonic alcohol there. Leave the grille in alcohol for 12 hours. No dirt will remain!

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5. Toilet

Coca-Cola contains substances that are able to extract the toilet even more efficiently than the chemistry intended for these purposes.

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6. Small things

Boxes from eggs will help organize space in the box and decompose all small things so that it was easy to find the right one.

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7. Lime flag

An unpleasant raid on metal surfaces is removed using a conventional lemon. Clean the half of the lemon is faded zones, and they instantly flashery.

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8. Machine

The little sponge of the foam rubber on a long stick will help to get dust even from the most hard-to-reach months in the car. Do not forget to moisten a sponge vinegar.

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9. Blinds

To decide on cleaning the blinds, you need to be truly brave. But this case ceases to be a problem when the old sock goes into the course! Try it just to wipe the blinds. Sock on hand and forward!

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10. Carpet

Spots on the carpet are grieved by the owners. To remove an ugly spot, sprinkle it with a cleaner for glasses. Put a piece of unnecessary fabric from above and swallow the stain with an iron.

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Cleaning can be converted to real entertainment! Cut the beauty in the house is best to include clockwork music. And how nicely then enjoy the cleanliness around and realize that such an atmosphere is created by your efforts!

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