We make a shop or the second life of trees


Today in two words and 22 photos - about the main thing. About the place for the fifth point. More precisely, how a chainsaw can help you equip such a place where you can not just sit, but to sit with taste. "

Immediately, preceding possible questions, I will report that the son is not Bulino, and Vovka (party nickname - Fidel), and for our spins - Vyazy, who in the city of Spilly in the framework of "sanitary logging". Elmie wanted to throw away, but they managed to score them. The difference between "throw away" and "score" in just one letter. But the trees have a chance for the second life.

We make a shop or the second life of trees

Today there will be five "seating places", some of which at different times appeared on the "chips", but together - never. No logic between them, so I will simply break my shops in chronological order. So, the first shopping horses. Disappelled the saw of the oak log.

We make a shop or the second life of trees
Cut two supports in the form of horses (you take a log and smooth movements of chainsaws that prevented him like a horse)

We make a shop or the second life of trees

We make a shop or the second life of trees

We make a shop or the second life of trees
Collect spare parts together ... ready! Mounts went on the back, boards from the center - to the seat

We make a shop or the second life of trees
There was also a bench on the bird theme. She arose because somewhere it was necessary to attribute maple.

We make a shop or the second life of trees
Trimming are not thick, but with developments. It was useful here in this version:

We make a shop or the second life of trees
Started with firebird

We make a shop or the second life of trees
Continued the heat-rooster

We make a shop or the second life of trees
After the assembly it turned out something like that. It is a pity that the pictures are autumn-winter. On the background of green grass looks more winning

We make a shop or the second life of trees

We make a shop or the second life of trees

We make a shop or the second life of trees

We make a shop or the second life of trees
But for the cottage and private house, much faster (a few hours on everything about everything) These are the options.

Collected without a single nail. One person can move - all three spare parts are perfectly rolled through the country area.

We make a shop or the second life of trees

We make a shop or the second life of trees

But the stool, which is done with the help of 12 propilov chainsaw in 30 minutes.

We make a shop or the second life of trees

That may generally try to do anything. Stool year. Used for the most "black" and heavy work. Fallen, flew, rode. But to this hour stands like oak! Nothing is done to her.

We make a shop or the second life of trees

We make a shop or the second life of trees

Well, finally, the shop, which I did at the weekend. About her - I promise - there will be a separate post. If you briefly, I fell happiness. That's how easily. In 15 minutes from my main work - Abandoned Square (and this is in the center of the Million City!). It is about 5 cubes of cut-up elm. And the resolution of the "Strong World of this": "They drank what you want, just do not ask for money!". I started here from such a place where anyone can scratch the language. Now I mount the video, as it all happened, to show the whole process in 2-3 minutes. As soon as you feed - immediately to you.

We make a shop or the second life of trees
About the participation of the son and the first photo: the Son came to visit me on Saturday and Sunday, while I worked. Brushed my mineral water, then brushes brushes. Photographed and inspired every way for feats. It grows a change :) And for our spins in the photo - the most elms that you, I hope, will also see soon, but in a few other form.

Shop costs three days. But here's what pictures I have already caught the Internet (not mine).

We make a shop or the second life of trees

I often say: "Your tips - like this drawing!" And what don't you like this drawing? I tried - quite my working circuit :) Even the video took about it.

We make a shop or the second life of trees

If it is curious about how the carving of sculptures of the saw looks like - it's just for you. So, if this video has not come across yet - look at the health!

Well, I will work a little bit, and at 6 o'clock, when the working day is over, I will go to the park again. Today, I'm waiting for a shop "sit down on the ears" (report from me). Have a nice day and mood, keep there!

All good!

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