Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class


In such an organizer, it is convenient to store a variety of things, from children's toys to sewing accessories.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

This organizer is obtained convenient and versatile. Its dimensions are about 18 cm in height, 38 cm long and 23 cm in width (not counting the handles). Pens, by the way, you can do or not. Between the layers of tissue, the organizer is reinforced with a special dense stabilizer, but you can use a dense double-sided adhesive duplicate material or any other material that will make it possible to make the walls of the organizer dense, for example, sheet plastic, foamyran, non-fat tight felt and so on. Just make sure that your machine will easily sew fabric in several layers + selected material for sealing.

The organizer provides two types of velcro separators. They can be inserted or removed depending on what items you want to put it.

Separator 1 divides the organizer in half a cross, and 1B joins it and divides half the organizer in half:

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Separator 2 divides organizer in half along:

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

In addition, on the walls of the organizer outside - 10 small pockets for trifles.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

You will need:

  • - cloth for the outer part of the organizer;
  • - fabric - companion for the inside of the organizer;
  • - something dense to strengthen the walls of the organizer;
  • - one-sided adhesive duplicate material (to strengthen the handles);
  • - a good adhesive spray;
  • - Velcro 2 cm wide (2 m);
  • - disappearing marker for fabric;
  • - line;
  • - cloth scissors;
  • - Portnovsky pins;
  • - clamps;
  • - Iron and ironing board;
  • - Sewing machine and thread.


Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Put the details.

From the main fabric:

  • - 1 part for the bottom of the container 25.5x40.5 cm;
  • - 2 parts for long sides of 19x40.5 cm;
  • - 2 parts for short lateral sides of 19x25.5 cm;
  • - 2 parts for lateral pockets on long side sides 13x40.5 cm;
  • - 2 parts for lateral pockets for short side sides 13x25.5 cm.

From tissue-companion;

  • - 1 part for the bottom of the container 25.5x40.5 cm;
  • - 2 parts for long sides of 19x40.5 cm;
  • - 2 parts for short lateral sides of 19x25.5 cm;
  • - 2 parts for lateral pockets on long side sides 13x40.5 cm;
  • - 2 parts for side pockets for short side sides 13x25.5 cm;
  • - 4 parts for processing long lateral parts and pockets for them 5.7x40.5 cm;
  • - 4 parts for processing short lateral parts and pockets for them 5.7x25.5 cm;
  • - 4 parts for handles 6.5x61 cm.

From the material to strengthen the walls:

  • - 1 part of the bottom of the organizer of 21.5x37 cm;
  • - 2 parts for long lateral sides 17x37 cm;
  • - 2 parts for short side 17x21.5 cm;
  • - 2 parts for pockets for long side sides 11.5x37 cm;
  • - 2 parts for pockets for short side sides 11.5x17 cm.

From adhesive duplicating material:

  • - 2 parts for handles 6.5x61 cm.

Details for separators (we write separately, in case you do not want to make them or want to do one or two of them):

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class
Separator 1 / Separator 1 + Separator 1B

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class
Separator 2.

For the separator 1, which divides the organizer in half, across:

  • - 1 part of the fabric 35.5x23 cm;
  • - 2 parts from tissue 7.5x18.5 cm;
  • - 1 part of the fabric 7.5x21 cm;
  • - 1 part of the material to strengthen the walls 17x21.5 cm.

For separator 1B, which joins the separator 1 and divides half of the organizer in half:

  • - 1 part of the fabric 35.5x19 cm;
  • - 2 parts from tissue 7.5x18.5 cm;
  • - 1 part of the fabric 7.5x17 cm;
  • - 1 Detail of material to strengthen the walls 17x18 cm.

For separator 2, which divides the organizer in half along:

  • - 1 part of the fabric 35.5x38 cm;
  • - 2 parts from tissue 7.5x18.5 cm;
  • - 1 part of the fabric 7.5x36 cm;
  • - 1 part of the material to strengthen the walls 17x37 cm.

Step 2.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Take two paired parts of the organizer, for example, 2 parts (1 of the main fabric and 1 of the fabric companion) for short side. Place 1 fabric detail face down. Sprinkle with a slightly sprinkle, which will be on top, spray for hint. By the way, not to spat everything around, it is convenient to do it at the bottom of a large cardboard box:

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

From above in the center, put the appropriate material detail for strengthening, aligning the upper edges. Still sprinkle the spray for hints and on top. Cover the second fabric detail face up.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Press and split the cloth on both sides.

Repeat the process with other parts of the organiser side, short and long, plus with all the details of the pockets.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

With the detail of the bottom, repeat the process with the difference that the allowances will be left from all 4 sides.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

It should be 9 "Sandwings":

  • - 2 long sides;
  • - 2 short sides;
  • - 2 pockets for long sides;
  • - 2 pockets for short sides;
  • - bottom.

Step 3.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Cut 4 pieces of soft piece of velcro with a length of 17 cm each. Take one of the long sides, from the side of the fabric companion, find its center (see photo) and pin the vertical vertical cut. The tape should be adjusted to the upper edge and from the bottom to end where the firming material ends.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Single the ribbon around the perimeter to the edge.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Repeat with the rest of the lateral details.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

For the bottom of the bottom, cut 2 pieces of the soft part of the velcro with a length of 37 and 21.5 cm and a cross, as shown in the photo.

Step 4.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Take one detail of the long side and the part for its processing. Detail of treatment fold in half along the inside inside. From the wrong side, attach it to the upper side of the wall detail, aligning untreated edges. Print pins.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Take 0.6 cm with 2.6 cm.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Remove the item for processing on the front side, attach the clamps and set to the edge.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Repeat with all the side details and details of the pockets.

Step 5.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

In the center of the details of pockets for short sides, spend the vertical lines of the disappearing marker.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Pockets for long sides divide into 3 parts with 2 lines.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Pocket fold with the part side with the corresponding part and scalulate the pins.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Put the lines on the sides and below.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

And then - by separation lines (do not forget the leaf).

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Repeat with the rest of the walls and pockets.

Step 6.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Duplicate 2 of 4 parts of the handles. Figure the details in pairs (duplicated and no) face to face and laid a line around the perimeter with a 0.6 cm 2. cm. Leave a hole for turning. Corners cut, remove the details and reveal.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Details fold along so that the duplicated side is left on top, scroll the pins and launch the line, bonding them. For the sewing of the handles, leave free ends with a length of 8-10 cm.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

On the long side of the disappearing marker, take a place of sewing of the handles. Here they are sewn at a distance of 1.3 cm from the beginning of the pocket of the pocket (measure this distance from the center) and at the same distance up from the beginning of the entrance to the pocket.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Print pens.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

And set them on a rectangle and crosswise.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Sun is like both knobs.

Step 7.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Short and long side walls sew with each other French seam. That is, the details fold out the main cloth outside, laying the seam with a 0.6 cm. Finish the line where the part is ends to strengthen (you can put the pin).

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Cut the allowance to 0.3 cm.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

We manage.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Soak on the side of the fabric-companion.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

We deposit a line with a viscosity of 0.6 cm. Everywhere do not forget the leaps!

This is what should happen:

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Also add another short side:

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Then add a detail of the bottom.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Add the last short side.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Also close the last unsympted hole below.

Step 8.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Fissure details for separators fold in half face inside and laid the line around the perimeter, leaving the holes for turning. Corners cut.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Remove the details and put the appropriate parts from the seal material.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Scatter, wrap your allowances inside.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class


Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

And squeeze the hole.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

For separator 1 Cut a piece of a piece of velcro with hooks with a length of 17 cm. Print it in the center vertically and detect around the perimeter.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

All small details for separators fold in half along the face inside and laid the line around the perimeter, leaving the turning hole (0.6 cm allowances). Cut the corners, remove the parts, straighten the allowances and affect.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

For each detail, cut the strip of the velcro part with hooks with a length of 0.6 cm shorter strips. Print, retreating 1-2 mm from one of the long sides, and take the perimeter to the edge.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Side parts will be detail to the appropriate separators side sides.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Then add the bottom items.

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class

Separators and organizer are ready!

Universal Organizer with Handles and Removable Separators: Master Class


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