Hidden Foam Farms


If a man lives in the house, then a whole mountain of accessories automatically goes to it. Cooler than the toy Ken from childhood. Among the "components" will probably find a shaving foam. Even if the beloved / brother / son is fashionable beard. It turns out that this hygienic agent is in addition to the main (pacify vegetation on the face and not only), there are at least 10 additional and completely unexpected functions. Details - below.

Hidden Foam Farms

The method of samples and experiments it turned out that the familiar shave foam is a very useful thing in the household. After all, with its help, you can not only get rid of the bristles, but also to clean up in the whole house. For example:

1. to the carpet from the spots

10 useful ways to use shave foam not by appointment

Treat the stain to the foam, go from above the wet sponge and leave to dry in a natural way. After a few hours, we spend a spell, removing the remnants of dried foam, and rejoice again with a clean carpet.

2. Recommend the surfaces of stainless steel and give them shine

10 useful ways to use shave foam not by appointment

The shaving foam layer and dry sponge will be returned to the comma view of both the old saucepans and the beloved refrigerator.

3. Matching mirror in the bathroom from fogging

10 useful ways to use shave foam not by appointment

Treat the surface of the foam, wait half a minute and wipe dry. The product forms a thin water-repellent film that will not allow the glass surface to move under the influence of a steam. It will also work with the door of the shower, glasses, windows and other glass / mirror objects.

4. Mapping traces of a careless manicure with leather

10 useful ways to use shave foam not by appointment

Often, trying to bring beauty in a hurry, the girls inadvertently smear the varnish everywhere (except for the nails themselves). A small amount of shaving foam will solve this problem. Sprinkle errors and spend a little. Varnish will be shred from the skin, but will remain "sit" on the nails.

5. Recommend the jewels

10 useful ways to use shave foam not by appointment

The composition of the shaving foam is not aggressive, does not contain rigid abrasive particles, but at the same time full of cleansing components. This makes it an excellent candidate for such delicate work as cleaning jewels. The recipe is the same: add a small amount of foam, wipe, dry in a natural way.

6.To insert stains on the plate or oven without scratches

10 useful ways to use shave foam not by appointment

Explanation is a combination of paragraphs 2 and 5. and, yes, you can safely arm a metal rod for dishes.

7. Common the scripting door

10 useful ways to use shave foam not by appointment

Try to lubricate the loop of the shaving foam. Perhaps it will not eliminate the problem forever and completely, but will give you at least a couple of evenings in silence.

8. Softe the skin after sunny burn

10 useful ways to use shave foam not by appointment

Secret in softening components and cooling effect. It will also help to learn itching from the bites of insects.

9. For children, paint, which can be bolder to draw on windows and furniture

10 useful ways to use shave foam not by appointment

Just add a little food dye into foam. The kids will be delighted with permissiveness, and you can easily eliminate the consequences of children's creativity with the help of a conventional wet sponge.

10.Casking campaign? Grab a small bottle of shaving foam bottle

10 useful ways to use shave foam not by appointment

After all, it can be laundered to the brilliance of a campaign bowl, fat from the hands and calm the skin after contact with sunbeams and obseccable insects.

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