Mobile furniture. Upgrade


It's time and about the house to think about the long winter evenings. They should be cozy. So I am today - with furniture. And the ideas of its update ...

It is believed to easily update furniture from Ikea. They even have special overlays for this. And we will update what we have. And therefore it is important for us - trivia and details, tips and pictures

These are the lining that I spoke, in the photo after. But after all, the angles, if you do it yourself, can and make straight

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Just paint the chest paint to the textile.

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Refresh Paint Furniture is possible not only outside, but also from the inside. For example, neon paint

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More furniture can be saved by wallpaper, relief. And it is not necessary to look for a suitable color wallpaper: they can be painted in the right one. And this is the easiest way to update the furniture. Lacuate in several layers - mandatory procedure. Varnish is colorless. Between the layers there must be a pause for drying the previous layer.

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Decorative panels are a good idea for the alteration of the cabinet. Just trim in size, stick and paint. By the way, Ikea sells such lining. True, I did not pay attention to them

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To make a cheap wardrobe to turn into a decent thing, it is enough to put on the legs, repaint and rear wall decorate with wallpaper. They could go to the cloth - who like

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In order for the strips and linings to be tightly, they are glued to epoxy resin. If the size allows you to use the frame as an overlay. And then paint the whole cabinet. Finish the process should be applied with wax paste to protect the cabinet from scratches and pulp.

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All your favorite decoupage. Sometimes it is sufficiently modestly to decorate the bedside table so that it was like new.

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More decoupage. By the way, for furniture you can use napkins

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Couple of useful tips for decoupage of furniture.

The table is that the photo below is covered with paper wrapper with a suitable pattern.


First glue lubricate the prepared (degreased) surface of the table. Then it is well lubricated the back side of the paper. As you can see, a sheet of paper is larger than the table. So it is necessary. Then the sheet is applied to the table and straighten it, carefully smoothing, the spatula, and not with hand. Do not hurry, the quality of the stickers depends on this step.

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Excess the paper is gently removed, immediately taking the surface of the sandpaper. This is also an important step, the service life of an updated table depends on its care. About this step I, for example, did not know before

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This is what should be the edge! He looks professionally and keeps long. And selfish do not smell. If you have a fashionable fat man, in other words, special glue for decoupage, then the varnish you will not need. If not, without several layers of varnish can not do.

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And about chairs


There is, there is still someone else's comfortable chairs! True, old, read: slamming, and solid. But with that and with the other you can fight: chairs paint bright and sidewas in the tone to sew!

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Mint color - and sounds charming and looks nice. Yes, and it is done simply. For those who are afraid of large transformations.

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Chairs can be painted and brush and sponge. The one below is painted with a sponge. Well, varnish, of course, need

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Well, if the chair was confused by some details as a result of his life and mercury operation, something can be restored. For example, suspenders. Cool but nice

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The most seductive (I suppose it) Chair to paint! With your own hands and the most fabulous pattern.

And however, how it will turn out

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Hopefully inspired. Anyway, I. And like the furniture to repaint and want


And several chic ideas.

It looks easily, but embodied probably very hard. And we just see, we will admire. For such restoration of chairs and chairs, you need time. And skills.

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In the style of boho, in Gypsy as it were

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And now everything. Good luck to us in the embodiment of the most bold ideas.

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