Inventive Briton transformed the bedroom using only rails, glue and paint


Inventive Briton transformed the bedroom using only rails, glue and paint

It is not necessary to be a designer or a wealthy person, for the weekend to transform the interior of the room beyond recognition. In confirmation of these words, the inventive Briton decided to experiment, making repairs in the guest bedroom on its own forces and saving a significant amount. For the original transformation, she needed inspiration, MDF, glue, and a little paint.

Inventive Briton transformed the bedroom using only rails, glue and paint
Calsi Banks - needlewoman and a big lover of experiments.

Calsi Banks from Birmingham (United Kingdom) has long been keen on the design and gradually turns his apartment into a modern housing. As you know, repairs are always troublesome and expensive, in whatever country you do not live, so it did not become surprised that the British girl most of the transformation makes his own. It draws their ideas and inspiration from social networks and various design sites, so when I saw the original design of the interior with the help of basic ridges from MDF (no coated), immediately decided to repair the guest bedroom, to which the hands did not reach.

Inventive Briton transformed the bedroom using only rails, glue and paint
In such a state, a guest bedroom was laid before conversion.

Considering that the budget of Calci was in a clip, she decided that she would cope with such a design itself, so he went to the construction store, bought 20 ready-made RFFs from MDF, "Liquid nails", cream and white paint. Having considered the non-standard of layout of the room and the presence of immediately Two niches, the decision suggested itself. The big niche will have to turn into an accent wall, becoming the original headboard for the bed. But in a small - you can arrange a secluded corner with a small open shelf purchased in the same store.

Inventive Briton transformed the bedroom using only rails, glue and paint
In order to make the same gap between the rails, you can use the desired width board.

To begin, it was necessary to bring the walls in order, so the girl attracted his relatives who helped her very quickly cope with this problem. But she was already engaged in fixing the rail. Initially, Calsi all the rails rooted to the desired length and lay down the cuts to look more professional and neat. In order for the distance between each unit is absolutely the same, and they were located smoothly, the girl used the laser level and the balance of the board, which served as the desired target of the span's width.

Inventive Briton transformed the bedroom using only rails, glue and paint
Requires the ridges will not take a lot of time.

Until the end of the day, the girl independently fastened all the rails, and the trimming of MDF lover experiment even was not going to throw away. The inventive britanka of them in an arbitrary order was glued at different angles on the remaining part of the wall. There was a narrow shelf for various trifles and photographs. Thanks to this invention, a rather unexpected and stylish version of the accent wall was obtained.

Inventive Briton transformed the bedroom using only rails, glue and paint
The remnants of the rivers enshrined at different angle brought a note of originality in the design.

Only one day off on these all works. The only thing that the next day it was necessary to give the completed view of the roll headboard, because the untreated MDF plates do not quite aesthetically look. It is for this case that cream paint was useful, which the girl painted the rails themselves and the wall between them.

Inventive Briton transformed the bedroom using only rails, glue and paint
So now the transfigured bedroom looks like.

After complete drying, the paint remained only to put a big coating, install furniture, hang shelves, mirror and put a bedroom flower. Now this room can receive guests, while delighting the hostess, which with his own hands, just for the weekend led the bedroom in order.

Inventive Briton transformed the bedroom using only rails, glue and paint
Original accent wall from ordinary MDF rails.

An interesting fact from the editorial office For all transformations of Celsi, Banks spent only $ 200, but if the workers were invited, it would not even invested in 400 "green." And she also did not have to spend money on the purchase of the instrument, the brush and the electric saw was at her house, because the girl repairs in her apartment tries to do it alone.

Inventive Briton transformed the bedroom using only rails, glue and paint
Little Niche also did not go without attention to the craftsmen.

And for subscribers with whom she shared the results of work on their page in Instagram, Calci wrote: "The main advice that I can give is not be afraid to try to experiment yourself. I'm so glad that I made repairs on my own, and not only because I saved money, but I came up with my own design - attached the shelf and trimming. "

Inventive Briton transformed the bedroom using only rails, glue and paint
Even such an unsightly room can be changed beyond recognition at minimal costs.


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