Another transformation. Master class on the restoration of the cabinet


I want to share the experience of decorating furniture.

Not even to teach someone to teach something, because I will not write anything new now, but to inspire.

Inspire to change around. It is so simple! Determine the object, put a goal and go!

And then - so much joy.

The repainting incredibly changes the appearance of the furniture and with him the mood that she carries and even style. I repainted more than one hundred objects and every time I am surprised by the magic of transformation.

And this cabinet did not exceed.

He was presented with one of my purchasing rooms. It remained in the old apartment and has nowhere to do, but it's just a crime to throw such a beauty. And she gave him to "good hands." He stood with me for two years, because there was no time for him (shoemaker, then he always was always without boots) and the construction of the house was not finished, the room was not ready. But here - the time came, and although the room is still completely ready :), the closet in it already lives his new life.

About that it was (only without mural, and the model is the same)

Restoration of furniture

The cabinet was disassembled.

New life of furniture

All items needed to wipe from dust, degrease (I do the White Spirit), then to shoot off the shine of varnish, then the soil acrylic (I can Benjamin Moore, can be ticked), then you can paint, then varnish.

Oh, something fast master class turned out :)

Here is a photo:

Cabinet repainting


Painter diver

Prayer silk flots and velor velor. For convenience, with the doors, we removed the wooden planks, numbered them, so that it was convenient to insert into our places with the stands left in the planks.

do it yourself

At first I all painted with gray, and the details on top of white paint.

Then we glued inside the wallpaper onto part of the surfaces, and the part was painted. I really wanted to inside the flowers.

Another transformation. Master class on the restoration of the cabinet

In general, the idea of ​​the decor of this cabinet was originally different. He saw me in the painting "from the ear to the ear." I even specially visited Larisa Averina's master classes in painting. By the way, I highly recommend these master classes.

But the more I tried to imagine such a bright thing in my bedroom, the more came to the conclusion that something calm needed, so that I did not draw attention to myself every minute. And in the end, I chose on a very beautiful shade of gray. It is a pity that the photo cannot fully convey its beauty. This shade was selected under the planned color of the walls and therefore it contains a light olive hint. Walls will be gently olive.

Oh, distracted :)

Well, in general, then everything was covered with varnish, collected and voila!

Another transformation. Master class on the restoration of the cabinet

Another transformation. Master class on the restoration of the cabinet

Another transformation. Master class on the restoration of the cabinet

And we painted the cabinets to the cabinet:

Another transformation. Master class on the restoration of the cabinet

"We" are me with my mother :) My mother turned out to my creativity and repainted all the furniture in my bedroom, and since I do not have time to paint myself, I called her to help. So we waved my cabinet and bedside tables with her.

Time, of course, leaves a lot of such a big thing. And then there were problems with the challenge. Doors stubbornly did not want to close and for some reason the geometry of the walls was disturbed. Well, somehow spawned in the end with all this.

I wish you all good luck, inexhaustible ideas and health, so that all the ideas are incarnating!

And thank you - Masters from the Fair, for your talents. Do not cease to admire.

Sincerely, Irina Shkuratova.

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