Learning to do a patina


Learning to do a patina

Today I want to share with you my experience of applying patches for shoes. The topic is very interesting and little lit.

At one time, before taking about it, I studied a lot of video, read a bunch of articles, personally observed how professionals do it, and only after that decided to take over the brush.

Let's look now, what is Pathina. And what Patina is considered correct.

Patina is an artificial formation of the skin. We are talking about the game of contrasts and shades, which allows you to give shoes of uniqueness.

Applying patina on shoes depends on the fancy of the master and its taste. The layers of paint are applied from light to the darker.

In the process of socks on the shoes, noses, backs, backs, appear in places of folds and contact with any objects and things. It is in these places that should be brighter, contrasting colors. Of course, you can do the opposite. You can depict on the skin all sorts of uncommon and exquisite folds, lines, and so on, but it will already be a fantasy patina. And the right Patina repeats the natural aging of the shoes in the socks process.

To begin with, we need shoes. It can be new, and you can also wear. The main requirement is that the skin on your shoes is high-quality and was not covered with paint, varnish or some other compositions, that is, the pores should be open and nothing should interfere with the paint to absorb into the skin.

I took a new pair of shoes, stitched to order.

Patina, shoe finish

It has a leather sole, which will allow us to make a patina and on it (on the sole).

Pathway, shoe decor

Before applying a patina on shoes, the work surface is covered, apron and gloves are put on. Pattern is needed in a well-ventilated room. With the help of painting scotch, you can protect the sole and the inner part of the shoes from paint.

First of all, you need to carefully clean the shoes. This is a mandatory step, which will remove the old layers of the fracturing, the cream in order for the paint better penetrate into the skin. To begin with a brush to remove dust, and then clean the surface of the shoes using a cloth moistened in the solvent. After each application of the solvent, give shoes to dry for 15-20 minutes.

Apply the solvent must be carefully:

  • It is better to use a small brush that makes it possible to apply a means in a small amount and will allow focusing attention directly on those zones that need to be discouraged;
  • If it does not suit the degree of discoloration, the means is applied again;
  • Next, shoes are well drying.

Do not get involved in solvent, as it spoils the skin

After the shoes are dry, apply paint, which will act as the basis. Paint can be applied with a brush, airbrush, sponge and so on. Paint proper dry for 15-20 minutes. You can apply a second paint layer if the tone seems too light.

Painting shoes, designer shoes

I use paint for the skin "Saphir", as the most authoritative in this area of ​​the manufacturer.

Painting Shoes, Exclusive Shoes

After the base is dry, you can apply darker tones. Usually they are applied along the seams.

Paint for leather

You can also apply: tassel, airbrush, sponge. In addition, I used the phytilium (this is a cotton fabric, rolled by a bag and scored inside with cotton).

Paint for shoes

The most difficult moment is the tone mitigation technique. To do this, you can use a tassel or cloth. But I personally use the airbrush for these purposes.

leather shoes

After the paint dries the skin must be impregnated and moistened. To do this, cream apply for shoes. It is better to take advantage of a cream, which is a little brighter of applied paint. After the cream is driving (15-20 minutes), shoes are rubbed to shine. At the end, you can apply wax for shoes.

Skin decoration

Such a couple turned out. I hope you enjoyed it.

To begin with, I recommend to practice on old shoes, and how to do a hand, so you can make everything you want: bags, jackets, gloves, leather furniture. Just do not overdo it. Patins must be in moderation.

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