Ten brilliant tips for everyday use


1. How to remove the residues of the sticker.

To remove the residues of the sticker, it is enough to drop a few drops of water in soda and wipe the glass container with this casheam.

Ten brilliant tips for everyday use

1. How to remove the residues of the sticker.

To remove the residues of the sticker, it is enough to drop a few drops of water in soda and wipe the glass container with this casheam.

Ten brilliant tips for everyday use

2. Using a wax thread instead of a knife.

Indeed, cut the cheese ragged thread, crumbling products or even a cake is much easier than a knife.

Ten brilliant tips for everyday use

3. Using biscuits storage bread.

Put a piece of bread together with the cookie to keep it fresh and prevent from drying. We do not know how it works, but this method is really effective.

TIPS03 10 brilliant tips for everyday use

4. Use the clothespins to close the packages.

Take simple clothespins or cut clips from the hangers who stay after buying clothes in stores, and use them as clamps for open packaging potato chips, packs of coffee, tea, flour, etc.

Ten brilliant tips for everyday use

5. Creating a drip irrigation system for domestic flowers.

If you are going to leave your house for a while - go on vacation for a couple of weeks, visit your relatives or go for a week on a business trip, then you should learn how to keep your home flowers in pots. Use empty bottles from ketchup or other sauce, fill They are in them, and then upside down, the neck down, stick into the soil of your pot plant.

Ten brilliant tips for everyday use

6. How to open a tight jar with a lid.

When you can not open a jar, wrap the gum around the lid. It will give you the best clutch with the surface.

Ten brilliant tips for everyday use

7. How to score an uncomfortable little nail.

There are such situations when it is completely inconvenient to hold the nail during the scoring. Use a comb to keep the nail in place while you drive it with a hammer.

Ten brilliant tips for everyday use

8. How to avoid the oxidation of inexpensive jewelry and jewelry.

You really enjoyed rings, earrings or necklace. They are beautiful, only the trouble - made of cheap metal and after a while they begin to oxidize and leave green or black spots on the skin and clothing. To avoid this, it is enough to cover them with a transparent nail polish.

Ten brilliant tips for everyday use

9. What to sharpen knives.

Well, the knife can be sharpened about everything in light, such as a brick, a concrete staircase or a plastered wall. Well, if you and this is not at hand, it is possible to sharpen knives in the kitchen about the bottom of the ceramic mug - it is also rough and abrasive.

Ten brilliant tips for everyday use

10. How to remove animal wool from furniture or clothing.

Use latex gloves to remove pets or villi wool from clothing and furniture. It is necessary to put on gloves and repeatedly spend on a contaminated surface in one direction. It acts like magic. Much better than vacuum cleaner or special sticky sheets of paper.

Ten brilliant tips for everyday use

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