Locker for jewelry ... or something else)


Locker for jewelry ... or something else)

Knowing my peculiarity (let's say so) treat every star to any older, friends are supplied different, at first glance, completely "thrust" things. So I had this wooden tool box. In my opinion, I am a peer ....


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The boxes were subjected to, of course, the resuscitation event: Skdlearily, raised, lined. He became a little later. Appeared, so to speak, will to life. Therefore, decorated the doors with a putty through the stencil.


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I will not show all the stages of the big way. Actually, there is nothing new in technology. It was applied: Total painting in a radical white color, a little shading of the edges of the boxes, the inside walked with wallpaper (remained after repair), designed some shelf, the hooks for the "escape" screwed onto the plank, because bottom and lid made of thin fan.


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Filled the locker (already - not a box!) With all sorts of hard for clarity.

Next - doors. There is a romantic decoupazik between the spacion rugs. For what I used beautiful ladies Svetlana Osinova By printing them in a black and white version. Further, everything according to the scheme: glue, lacquer, repeatedly, rake, well, decoupaments know better than me. BUT! How without dots ???? Frame! Frame !!! Took the soul ....


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Decoupashik with dots - large


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This is the story. Handles, so I think, do it or not? ... so far I did not find suitable, let it live - cheerless. But - alive !!!

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