Even your mom does not know these tricks!


Even your mom does not know these tricks!

Having met such advice on all occasions, I did not hold my delight and immediately showed their mom and close friends. Surprisingly, even for them, experienced in women's household matters, a lot was new. Most of all I liked Tips No. 7 and No. 9, and another trick with an iron cap on the bottle. I hope you will also be useful!

Even your mom does not know these tricks!

Useful tips for life

    1. That's what you need to do so that the brackets of the bra do not look out from under the clothes! Simple but cool trick.

Tips for life for every day

    1. Interesting solution! A pair of loop and contrast fabric - everything that will be needed to implement this trick.

Tips for life for every day

    1. Saving after washing things will save the children's shampoo! Put in it clothes, slightly stretched with drying, and it will take the right shape.

Good tips for life

    1. Idea for this summer: Patchwork will make torn jeans unique!

Tips for women for every day

    1. Ordinary clips will help to wear jerseys with convenience. It looks neat!

Women's advice

    1. 2 times more space in the closet due to lids from tin! Each hanger will fit another one. Undelian useful for home invention!

Tips for women in pictures

Even your mom does not know these tricks!

    1. Children's powder very well removes fresh bold spots on clothes! Even better than salt.

Lifehaki for life

    1. A piece of fabric that is attached to tags on clothing is very important. After writing it, you will understand how the thing will behave during the washing. Any fabric can politic or sit down!

Lifehaki for home

    1. Easy way to quickly hang on the hanger several things at once! Why didn't I do so before?

Lifehaki for girls

    1. Here is how you can get a lace with a plastic tube!

Lifehaki in pictures

    1. Soda and vegetable oil cleaned any, even the most complex stains on kitchen furniture.

Lifehaki in life

    1. Easy way to clean ginger! A spoon is much better than a knife.

Women's tips for every day

Even your mom does not know these tricks!

    1. If you cook eggs along with lemon slickel, they will easily be cleaned and will be very tasty!

Women's home tips

    1. So reveal the bottles of real women! If there is no opener at hand, you can use hinges for curling eyelashes.

Interesting women's advice

    1. If you do this, the lips will look more voluminous.

Tips for every day for girls

    1. Massage with a brush from a carcass with moisturizing cream makes lips amazingly gentle and improve their color, because blood circulation will increase.

Women's tips and tricks

    1. Pockets for money and documents that will be by the way on the journey! Very easy to make such an independently.

Women's secrets and tips

    1. Napkin can be used as a funnel for bulk products! Always do that when I spend coffee to the bank.

Women's tricks photo

    1. Watering a shovel for a cake, you will be able to lay out every piece on a plate in perfect form!

Tips for women photos

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