This means whitens even the most yellow teeth and remove the whean dental stone!


This means whitens even the most yellow teeth and remove the whean dental stone!

Everyone knows that the pledge of a beautiful smile is the health of the oral cavity. However, most of us neglect by this aspect. Because of the wrong cavity of the oral cavity on the teeth, raid is formed and, as a result, the dental stone.

This means whitens even the most yellow teeth and remove the whean dental stone!

The formation of a dental stone is a sufficiently long process, it lasts at least 6 months. Such lime deposits harm the health of the teeth, creating a beneficial medium for the reproduction of microbes.

Today, our editors will share with you the secrets of the right cavity of the oral cavity. So you get rid of the tooth stone and a terrible yellow plaque.

This means whitens even the most yellow teeth and remove the whean dental stone!

How to get rid of dental stone

You will need

  • salt
  • water
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • Toothbrush
  • rinse for mouth
  • a cup
  • dental floss

  1. Step one

    Mix one tablespoon of soda with 1/2 teaspoon salt. Macaui Toothbrush into water and clean your teeth with a mixture with a mixture for 30 seconds.

  2. Step two

    Mix 100 g of water and 100 g of hydrogen peroxide. This mixture we rinse the mouth for 1 minute.

  3. Step Third

    Use the tooth thread to clean the surface of the teeth from the plaque in hard-to-reach places.

  4. Step fourth

    Pretty rolling the oral cavity with the help of the rinse, it is best to use a tool that does not contain alcohol.

This procedure will give a visible result, if it takes it 1 time in 7 days, not more often. After 2 months, you will notice that the teeth were brighter by several tones, and there were no trail from the stones!

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