Sculptures, carved from ordinary pencils, amazing imagination!


Cindy Chinn is an artist. She lives in the USA, in the state of Nebraska. A year ago, it was fascinated by the manufacture of microscopic sculptures from a tree.

Ordinary pencils serve material for its work. Cindy works with the help of magnifying glasses, and creates entire compositions that can be considered only with a magnifying glass. The accuracy of the study of parts in its works is simply amazing!

Sculptures, carved from ordinary pencils, amazing imagination!
The last work of Cindy - "Elephants in Serengeti" - depicts the family of elephants on the boardwalk. "I made it to order, and at first I was going to make one elephant," says the artist. "But then the work captured me, and I lost the bill of time." She left for this work for several days.
Sculptures, carved from ordinary pencils, amazing imagination!

The surface of the pencil under the legs of the elephants is specially processed so as to create the impression of grass, which is adjusted under the legs of the elephants.

Sculptures, carved from ordinary pencils, amazing imagination!

Behind the spins of elephants are growing acacia. Please note: the bright parts of the composition are cut out of the wooden part of the pencil, dark - from the graphite rod.

Sculptures, carved from ordinary pencils, amazing imagination!

The finished composition is placed in a glass case to which the magnifier is attached to make a sculpture in the smallest detail.

Sculptures, carved from ordinary pencils, amazing imagination!

Each elephant is cut out of a separate pencil. Only then the artist reduced the figures together.

Sculptures, carved from ordinary pencils, amazing imagination!

It is most convenient to work with flat carpentry pencils. The lattice markup is applied to the start of work on the stylus.

Sculptures, carved from ordinary pencils, amazing imagination!

The general contour of the figure artist carries out, using a fivefold magnification magnifying glass.

Sculptures, carved from ordinary pencils, amazing imagination!

Cindy admits that sometimes she has to manufacture tools for work - are too rude and cannot provide the desired accuracy of the study of parts.

Sculptures, carved from ordinary pencils, amazing imagination!

Under the end of Cindy processes the figure, giving natural look of the skin of the elephant. Each fold is thoroughly battered.
Sculptures, carved from ordinary pencils, amazing imagination!

The smallest final strokes of Cindy inflicts with a trinocular - stereomicroscope with a 90-fold magnification.

Sculptures, carved from ordinary pencils, amazing imagination!

Another job Cindy is a baseball glove.

Sculptures, carved from ordinary pencils, amazing imagination!

Baseball ball is made of wax chalk.

Sculptures, carved from ordinary pencils, amazing imagination!

"Art inside."

Sculptures, carved from ordinary pencils, amazing imagination!

Brains are also from wax chalk.

Sculptures, carved from ordinary pencils, amazing imagination!


Sculptures, carved from ordinary pencils, amazing imagination!

"Day on the beach"

Sculptures, carved from ordinary pencils, amazing imagination!

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