In addition to the first-aid kit: 9 small items that may have much benefit in an unforeseen situation


In addition to the first-aid kit: 9 small items that may have much benefit in an unforeseen situation

9 small items that may be more benefited in an unexpected situation.

Nobody is insured against trouble. Especially when you are in the car. And it's not just that the road is dangerous. In a small closed space, cars can be encountered much smaller, but still, "emergency situations": from the flush to warm up in the cabin of the bee to a sharp attack of headaches in the middle of a long move. For these cases, it should always be a first-aid kit. And do not forget to put in the glove box and these 9 small items that may be more benefited in an unexpected situation..

9 items are not medicines below, but it can help in different "painful" situations. Let at least part of this arsenal always find a place not only in the candy car, but also in your bag.

1. Chewing gum against heartburn

9 small items that may be more benefited in an unexpected situation.

9 small items that may be more benefited in an unexpected situation.

The chewing is useful not only in case of an unforeseen date. A long-term chewing process increases salivation, which reduces the acidity in the stomach and helps him calm down, reduces the painful sensations from heartburn. And scientists from the Wake Forest University proved that chewing gum also struggles with the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Only give preference to the pads without sugar.

2. Plastic card against bee bites

9 small items that may be more benefited in an unexpected situation.

9 small items that may be more benefited in an unexpected situation.

Each of us was explained in childhood: it was lucky to be an overwhelmed bee - do not break, remove the sting out of the "injury", and it is possible to cry. It is unlikely that there will always be tweezers in a road first aid kit or cosmetic bag. Instead, try to pry carefully and scrape the sting of the plastic card.

3. Tampons against wounds and bleeding

9 small items that may be more benefited in an unexpected situation.

9 small items that may be more benefited in an unexpected situation.

Bleedings are of different character, but the tampons will cope with any of them. Just attach a cotton product to the wound and plunder slightly so that the blood is absorbed. This is a much more hygienic and reliable way than, for example, using paper napkins whose fragments will certainly remain on the place of damage.

4. Pencil against headache

9 small items that may be more benefited in an unexpected situation.

9 small items that may be more benefited in an unexpected situation.

Many of us regularly stack with headache from overvoltage. Such is the constant stress and intensive work in Dedlayina mode. The very case when you have to act, literally gritting my teeth. Sounds familiar? Then your task is maximally - to relax the jaw. To do this, heal the pencil between the teeth, not biting it. Looks funny, but it works.

5. Air ball or condom against bruises

9 small items that may be more benefited in an unexpected situation.

9 small items that may be more benefited in an unexpected situation.

9 small items that may be more benefited in an unexpected situation.

9 small items that may be more benefited in an unexpected situation.

Rubber product number 2 and so dwells in many first-aid kits. But the balloon is unlikely. And in vain. Both things can come in handy in case of bruises. Just fill them with cold liquid, tie and use as a compress to remove pain.

6. Lip balsam against scratches and cuts

9 small items that may be more benefited in an unexpected situation.

9 small items that may be more benefited in an unexpected situation.

If there is no plaster at hand, but there is a lip balm (a typical situation for women's cosmetics), carefully treat a scratch or abrasion. The wax in the composition will create a thin protective film and will help cut faster to delay.

7. Eye Drops

9 small items that may be more benefited in an unexpected situation.

9 small items that may be more benefited in an unexpected situation.

An artificial tear will not only cope with dry eyes, but also help you save them from small foreign objects. Much better than try to get them with your fingers.

8. Toothpaste with menthol against burns

9 small items that may be more benefited in an unexpected situation.

9 small items that may be more benefited in an unexpected situation.

Did you burn? Rush the scene of the burn with cold water and apply a thin layer of mentholic paste on top. It will remove irritation and will have a cooling effect.

9. Warm sweater against serious injuries

9 small items that may be more benefited in an unexpected situation.

9 small items that may be more benefited in an unexpected situation.

Sweater or warm cardigan will never be superfluous in the car. At best, it can be thrown on the shoulders in an unforeseen cold evening. In the worst, he can save life: cover the place of injury and press firmly to stop the bleeding. We are confident that in practice this advice will not need, but you should not forget about it.

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