How in a minute make awesome top from old losine


Each girl has old, boring or impositious leggings, which she for some reason is not solved to throw out. And they lie, waiting for their time to come.

Yes, this moment has come: pull off your leggings from the far shelf, now we will turn them in a minute in a hit top!

All that we need is scissors and a little creative mood. So:

How in a minute make awesome top from old losine

  • Put the leggings to the back on any comfortable working surface and how you can smooth them in half the seam.

How in a minute make awesome top from old losine

  • See the corner that was formed in the area of ​​the groin? It will be a neck.

How in a minute make awesome top from old losine

  • Now they need scissors. Rovely cut this corner with a circular motion.

How in a minute make awesome top from old losine

  • What happened in us as a result: the hole, which we just cut out, is the neck of our top, and the pants are sleeves.

How in a minute make awesome top from old losine

Synod your new top, think it turned out to be cosmmat!

By the way, if you want top with short sleeves, cut the pants (that is, the sleeves) as you like, - by three quarters, to elbow or even shorter.

And if you prefer the top with long sleeves, leave them as it is. That's all!

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