How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf


How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

Someone will go to nature, someone to the cottage. Many are wondering what to cook like this? I suggest your attention, the recipe for making a pill, who, I think no one will leave indifferent!

This recipe was very long saved on the computer, I can't specify the source, because This site no longer exists. Perhaps the author will see his creation on the chips, so I thank him in advance! Almost all the text of cooking, from the author of the recipe.

Today I decided to show and tell how to prepare a normal Uzbek pilaf, and not that messenger, which was used to issuing for him. I learned the recipe for the Fergana Plova at the local Uzbek, which among all his relatives is distinguished by the ability to prepare so that everyone is delighted and knows the mass of the recipes of this beautiful dishes. I myself am far from Uzbek, but learned.

1. Meat - 1 kg. lamb (I used two, as a small feast was planned, in general there are standard combinations of 1 kg of meat, 1 kg of rice, 1 kg of carrots). Most - flesh, the rest is a few ribs with meat (for beauty).

2. Carrots - 1 kg (I have two again).

3. Figure - 1 kg (well, you understood). About rice. For a normal Fergana Plova, a virgin is recommended, but that I tried to get to Ufa - already crashed while stirring and in the end, it was just allowed to go to the header to meat such).

4. Onions - 2-3 medium bulbs (I had five pieces) + 1 (one) small. Why it will later explain.

5. Garlic - 2-3 heads (I have five).

6. Podpick pepper - also 2-3.

7. Oil vegetable ordinary grams 300 (I took more). If there are fat - very good, we will use it.

8. Seasoning - Zira and Barbaris. Zira is two species - yellowish and almost black. The one is black - Uzbek, very fragrant. Yellowish is also good, however.

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

So. Meat cut into medium-sized cubes (3x3 cm about, somewhere in the network I saw such a description). Ribs just divide. Meat is not washed! Maximum what can be done - rub with a dry cloth (if some kind of garbage has gotten).

Carrots cut with straw thick about 0.5-1 cm. You will see on the pictures. It is cut, no grated, no combines. Mouorno, hands get tired - but it is necessary.

Onions cut rings, one small bulb leaves untouched.

Rice - rinse thoroughly. It is better clean, good water, although I am mine and the usual running. Wash until the water starts merging transparent. Wash warm water, and when you finish - do not leave it to dry, immediately pour back and slightly satisfy, quite a little bit.

Kazan. This time I prepared on the street and took a normal, semicircular, street cauldron. In the hunting and fishing store "Bear" bought a tripod for him and a fire became a fire. Home is best of all, of course, cook on an ancient plate with which fire on one of the burners simply blames. In the absence of it - we can be content with what is.

You still need a noise with a solid, durable, staring with a handle, otherwise suffer from meat mixing.

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

Beauty. Kazan is still heated, you need to get a high temperature.

Started. Running Kazan, pour oil, heated better and throw the smallest bulb. What for? Everything is simple, it will absorb everything unnecessary from the oil.

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

Lukovka needs to fry to brown and pull out of the oil. Here after that I threw the bars of fat (but if it was absent, this item simply omit).

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

Roasting from the fat I pulled out of the Kazan, the aroma of fried lamb was already in the air, the neighbors turned noses to the street in the hope of finding out what it was happening in the area.

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

Now you need to quickly fry the ribs, the temperature will allow this in less than 5 minutes. We throw them into a hot oil.

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf


How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

And, roasting slightly, lay out on a plate. That's what it turns out.

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

Now I'll wait a little when there is a moisture from the oil. It ceases to hiss and begins to emit a gray smack. It's time to throw onions.

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

Still onions, roasting it until golden color. One secret: the color of the Plov's future is depends on the degree of roasting, but do not cease, burned crusts for nothing. Onions gave most of his moisture, it hurts less - it's time to put meat into the cauldron!

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

It is necessary to try to make meat roasted, and not stewed. For this, the maximum temperature and moderate mixing is important. In my case, meat because of its quantity, I managed to give a lot of juice and still worn out for some time.

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

Do not forget to maintain a good, maximum temperature and when the meat shook already, got a reddish hue - it's time to lay carrots. Will you imagine what is the smell behind the cauldron? Onions and lambs simply impregnated the air in the area.

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

We put the carrots carefully from above and do nothing for a couple of minutes, let him hurt with couples, softening a little.

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

After that, we begin to mix gently.

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

We continue to mix the minutes probably 15-20, it is necessary that carrots also fry and the main sign that this happened - the familiar smell of the Plova begins to come from the mixture!

By this time, we throw in the mixture a handful of Zira, she suffer from her palms a little - give more aroma. There is also a barberry (also about a handful). (I, of course, threw a little more).

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

Well, now it's time to pour water. Boiling water. I fill it all with the top, the salt was the resulting mixture so that the taste was a little permanent. Now we have been laying here our ribs, lay garlic and, if the pepper is old and dry, can be put it.

The resulting mixture is called Zirvak. It's time to reduce the fire so that our zirvak can boil and leave so 40 minutes.

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

After 40 minutes, we lay the pen, we cook boiling water, rice and smear the fire on full! Here you need to squeeze the most maximum.

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

The most responsible moment is the rice tab. Fire - powerful! It is important.

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

Rice to dissolve.

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

And pour water from above. Sustilly, about the phalanx-one and a half (strange unit of measure). I won like poured - through the noise, neatly.

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

Very high temperature, strong fire contributes to the fact that the liquid quickly begins to scream. Intensive boil lifts oil from the bottom of the cauldron to top and it, dropping back, envelops every rice.

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

Gently stroking the noise rice, distributing it, moving. At the same time do not think to ventilate into the bottom layers!

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

Water, of course, quickly boils and occurs such a moment when the rice no longer crumbles on the teeth, and water boils somewhere below.

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

This moment is very important. It happens here that the water needs to add a little. Try not to overdo it.

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

But I have everything in order. It is necessary to reduce the fire on the most-minimum and close the cauldron, and more flutter. Before that, I also sprinkled Rice on top of the raisins (for an amateur), it won't hurt.

After 20-25 minutes you can shoot from the fire and open. Enough!

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

Now you need to mix it all. In the process laying out garlic, pen, ribs on a separate plate.

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

Well, that seems to be all.

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

To the table!

How to prepare a real Uzbek (Fergana) pilaf

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