Economy savings: how to reduce food waste


A large article of family budget expenditures - Food. But with competent control of grocery waste, you can actually save. I share tips, how to reduce food garbage.

Economy savings: how to reduce food waste

If the household goods, clothes, electronics can be abandoned for a while or buy them less often, that is, as they say, I always want. I do not call for a hunger strike, but only I propose more reasonably and responsibly approach the problem of food waste.

So, according to Canadian research, you can reduce costs for food to 60,000 rubles per year. Some restaurants even introduce fines for inspired dishes. But this is only a small part of what can be done to reduce food waste. Here, for example, several useful tips.

Tip 1: timely and regularly conduct the refrigerator revision

They put and forgotten - acting according to this principle, we risk getting a lot of spoiled and unnecessary products in our refrigerator. Looks there not only to get a low-speed milk package or a piece of cheese. Try to check the quantity and status of the contents of the refrigerator. According to the results of the revision, make up the lists of the supplies that need to be purchased or updated. The fact that can soon be spoiled, use first of all. The reasonable approach will significantly reduce food waste and save your budget.

Tip 2: Focus on freezing

Too many products have accumulated in your fridge, and you fear that you will not have time to use them in a timely manner? Freezer or freezer will come to the rescue. It is no secret that in a frozen form, most products are stored much longer. This is especially true of meat, vegetables and fruits - they will larch in the cold during the year without any problems.

But bread, fatty fish, meat minced meat and the remains of dining dishes for more than two months is not recommended in the freezer. The solution with freezing will allow not only to extend the life of products, but also will noticeably unload the shelves of the refrigerator. But do not forget to look from time from time to time with the freezer.

Economy savings: how to reduce food waste

Tip 3: Properly Place Products in the Refrigerator

Food products can deteriorate from the wrong location on the shelves in the refrigerator. First of all, make sure that you put the supplies in accordance with the different temperature ranges of the refrigerator. For example, meat and sausage products, poultry, fish, packaged salads, fresh juices, milk and cooked food is better to put on the top shelf - the coldest place in the refrigerator. The middle can be occupied by dairy products, vegetables and fruits, homemade dishes in the dishes. But the lower part of the refrigerator need to take for the pickles in jars, jam, canned food, root vegetables, beverages, seasonings and other bottled. Started yogurt so as not to forget, put in transparent container. Useful for every container with food residues to glue a sticker with the date designation when it was sent to the refrigerator.

Tip 4: Watch for product shelf life

See specifying the expiration date of the products not only before buying, but also before sending them to the refrigerator. Those supplies who have a small shelf life, put on a prominent place and use first. But rely not only at the date, delivered by the manufacturer, and also on the external condition of the product, its smell, color, taste. Sometimes the shelf life indicated on the package does not coincide with the actual - can be both more and less. It is especially attentive to refer to fresh vegetables and fruits that quickly deteriorate.

Economy savings: how to reduce food waste

Tip 5: Do not go on advertising

Sometimes we tend to buy products more than necessary. One of the reasons for this is advertising. She dictates us fashion not only on clothes, but also for food. Listening to her, we often buy expensive, exotic products, whereas could do the most accessible domestic analogues, which sometimes have better taste and nutritional properties. For example, the same lime can be replaced with a more familiar lemon, and Daikon is green sweet radish. Tip 6: Consider non-freight products with mind often food products go to the trash can only because of their unattractive, faded species. However, losing elasticity and initial freshness, they can still serve us well. From a slightly pitched vegetable and fruits can be prepared stew, sauces, smoothies, jams, cocktails, compotes. And from a slightly aged cheese and sausages you can easily prepare pizza, filling for pancakes or burrito. The remaining food waste can be used in agriculture or in the country, for example, to form compost.

Economy savings: how to reduce food waste

Tip 7: Go to the store with a list

Surely everyone has happened to detect unplanned products in its purchase package. Then they can miss the shelves of the refrigerator for a long time, gradually deteriorate and replenish the rows of food waste. The optimal solution is to organize grocery shopping only with a predetermined list. And do not forget before going to the store at least a little reinforcement so that the hunger does not dictate to you the terms of shopping.

Economy savings: how to reduce food waste

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