Labor lessons: 19 ideas of simple lumber furniture


Labor lessons: 19 ideas of simple lumber furniture

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

Folk wisdom states that every man should make three things in his life: to build a house, plant a tree and grow a son. From myself add another item: to furnish your own furniture built house. Preferably also own production. Shower booth of nothing or leather sofa, of course, weakly fit under these criteria. But there are at least 19 examples of simple, but reliable furniture that everyone will master who did not miss the lessons of labor at school.

Boards and other lumber are one of the most inexpensive and affordable resources in the construction market. At the same time, their creative potential is almost unlimited. Try to start the production of furniture of your own name, charged by these simple, budget, but functional ideas. After all, armed with a saw and nails can be made:

1. Not such a simple coffee table

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

2. Beach with shelves for storage

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

3. Stools - a classic option that may look quite decent to your kitchen

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

4. The game of Jenga, who will charge any party by Azart, not worse than poker

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

5. If there is a tube in the farm, you can make a designer vase and do not forget to delight your favorite households with fresh flowers

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

6. Console in an up-to-date "rustic" style

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

7. Sofa. Head, do not forget soft pillows

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

8. Small Economic Table

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

9. Another vase according to the formula "board and test tubes"

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

10. Romantic candlesticks from small sleeps

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

11. Add "Sigor" accessories - and the console in the industrial style is ready

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

12. Children's table for picnic bright color

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

13. Sitting for garden or cottage

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

14. Simple but reliable storage shelves

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

15. A narrow table for the hallway

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

16. A solid dining table for which your grandchildren will also have dinner

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

17. Functional dresser for the kitchen

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

18. And even more spacious - for the bedroom

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

19. Original stand for indoor or garden plants

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

19 ideas of simple furniture from boards and sawn timber

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